CBSE exam results show high pass rates with over 93% passing in Class-X and 87.98% in Class-XII.

Girls dominate CBSE board exams, pass percentage and high scores see slight increase from last year. Results for classes X and XII declared.

May 13th 2024.

CBSE exam results show high pass rates with over 93% passing in Class-X and 87.98% in Class-XII.
The results for the CBSE board exams for classes X and XII were announced on Monday, and it was no surprise that girls continued to outshine boys. While there was a marginal increase in the pass percentage and the number of students scoring above 90 and 95 per cent, it was not a significant change from last year.

In class X, the pass percentage stood at 93.60, and in class XII, it was 87.98. The rise in the pass percentage was attributed to the increase in competency-based questions in this year's exams. This trend was also seen in the number of students who scored above 90 and 95 per cent marks. In class XII, 1.16 lakh students scored above 90 per cent, and 24,068 scored above 95 per cent. It was also heartening to see that 262 students from the Children With Special Needs category scored above 90 per cent, and 43 students scored above 95 per cent.

Last year, 1.12 lakh students scored above 90 per cent and 22,622 scored above 95 per cent in class XII. In class X, over 47,000 students scored above 95 per cent, and more than 2.12 lakh scored above 90 per cent. These numbers were slightly lower than last year's, where 1.95 lakh students scored above 90 per cent and 44,297 scored above 95 per cent.

The CBSE has decided to not release a merit list to avoid unhealthy competition among students. They have also done away with first, second, and third divisions based on students' scores. Instead, they will be awarding merit certificates to 0.1 per cent of students who have scored the highest marks in various subjects. CBSE Examination Controller Sanyam Bhardwaj shared this information and also announced that the board exams for the 2024-25 academic session will be held from February 15.

The exams for the 2024 session had also begun on February 15, and it took 28 and 47 days for classes X and XII, respectively. However, there were over 1.32 lakh candidates who were placed in the supplementary category in class X and over 1.22 lakh in class XII. The Trivandrum region recorded the highest pass percentage in both classes X and XII, while the Prayagraj and Guwahati regions recorded the lowest for class XII and X, respectively.

In class XII, schools under the Central Tibetan Schools Administration had the highest pass percentage, and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas had the highest pass percentage in class X. Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan congratulated the students on their results and advised them to make an effective plan for higher studies. He also shared his best wishes for a happy, healthy, and bright future for all.

For students who did not meet their expectations, Pradhan encouraged them to not lose heart and reminded them that they have the potential to overcome any challenge. The supplementary exams for classes X and XII will be held from July 15, as per the recommendations of the National Education Policy - 2020. Bhardwaj shared that class XII students can improve their performance in one subject, and class X students can improve in two subjects. There are three categories of students eligible for the supplementary exams, including those who were placed in the compartment category, those who were declared pass by replacing a subject, and those who want to improve their performance in one or two subjects.

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