Cat gone 2 mo. treks 800 mi, faces danger, meets owners again.

A miraculous event!

September 22nd 2024.

Cat gone 2 mo. treks 800 mi, faces danger, meets owners again.
After a long and stressful camping trip, Benny and Susanne Anguiano were finally able to reunite with their beloved cat, Rayne Beau. The feline had gone missing during their trip to Yellowstone National Park in June, causing great worry and heartache for the couple. Despite their efforts to find him, including laying out his favorite treats, Rayne Beau remained elusive and the couple had no choice but to return home to Salinas, California without him.

To make matters worse, a Yellowstone employee informed them that a coyote had been spotted attacking a dog, making the chances of finding Rayne Beau slim. Susanne couldn't help but feel guilty and heartbroken, feeling like she was abandoning her furry companion. However, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of a double rainbow in the sky, giving Susanne a sense of reassurance that everything would be okay.

Although it took 60 long days, the couple's hope proved to be well-founded when they received a message from PetWatch, a pet microchip registry service, stating that Rayne Beau's microchip had been scanned at a shelter in Roseville, California - over 800 miles away from Yellowstone. It turned out that the cat had been found by a kind woman on the street and was brought to the shelter for safety.

The couple was amazed and grateful that Rayne Beau had managed to travel such a long distance without getting hurt. He had lost a significant amount of weight, going from 14 pounds to only eight, but was now back home and slowly regaining his strength. Susanne believes that it was the power of the double rainbow that brought their cat back to them.

Rayne Beau is now living his best life, playing with his twin sister and taking well-deserved catnaps. However, the couple is still baffled as to how their cat managed to find his way home. They hope that someone out there may have some information that could help solve the mystery. In the meantime, they are encouraging others to make sure their pets are microchipped and registered, as it was this simple measure that led to their reunion with Rayne Beau.

The journey that Rayne Beau undertook to return home is truly remarkable, as shown by the map that displays the 800-mile distance he had to travel. The couple is grateful to have their furry friend back and hopes that their story will inspire others to take necessary precautions to keep their pets safe. As Susanne wisely stated, "We would have never gotten them back had that not happened."

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