Carol Clay's family faces the killer, Greg Lynn, who is deemed evil and wicked.

The sister of Carol Clay was more disturbed by the news of how Lynn disposed of her remains than the news of her death at age 73.

September 12th 2024.

Carol Clay's family faces the killer, Greg Lynn, who is deemed evil and wicked.
For nearly two years, Carol Clay's family and friends were consumed by worry and desperation as they searched for the missing grandmother. She had vanished while camping in the secluded wilderness of Victoria, leaving behind her daughter, Emma Davies, who was determined to find her. However, Davies was met with an unforeseen obstacle - the COVID-19 restrictions that prevented her from physically going to the location where her mother was last seen alive. Davies shared her heart-wrenching testimony in the Supreme Court of Melbourne, expressing her deep desire to be in the same place where her mother was lost, to feel the earth beneath her feet and hopefully uncover some answers.

But while Carol's loved ones were left in the dark, one man knew exactly what had happened to her. Greg Lynn had brutally shot her in the head and then proceeded to move and conceal her body, along with that of her lover, Russell Hill, near a remote bush track. He even went so far as to return seven months later to burn their remains into over 2000 bone fragments. It was a heinous and calculated act, as Lynn refused to reveal their burial location for 20 long months.

Carol's sister, Jillian Walker, could hardly contain her rage and sorrow as she listened to the details of Lynn's actions. She described the pain of hearing how Lynn destroyed her sister's body as being even worse than the initial news of her death. To her, it was a cruel and unforgivable act, driven by a selfish intention to hide his crime, with no regard for the lives he had taken. Walker could not fathom how someone could make such a wicked and unconscionable decision.

During Lynn's murder trial, it was revealed that Carol's death was the result of an angry confrontation over Russell Hill's use of a drone. This information was incomprehensible to Carol's loved ones, who struggled to understand how such a trivial dispute could lead to such a senseless and pointless loss of life. Emma Davies, who was present at Lynn's pre-sentence hearing, refused to even utter his name, referring to him only as "he" or "him." She expressed the depth of her pain and anger, stating that Lynn had not only taken her mother's life, but also her dignity and privacy, and had completely destroyed her beyond recognition.

As Lynn sat in court, staring at his victims' grieving family and friends, it was clear that he had no remorse for his actions. He had been found guilty of Carol's murder by a jury, but not guilty of killing Russell Hill. However, he did admit to destroying their remains. Lynn's lawyers are now working to delay his sentencing in hopes of appealing the verdict. Prosecutor Daniel Porceddu argued that Lynn deserved the maximum sentence of life in prison for his cold-blooded and callous murder of a vulnerable elderly woman. He stated that Lynn's motive for killing Carol was to eliminate her as a witness to Hill's death, as she was the only one who could identify him.

Porceddu also highlighted Lynn's efforts to obliterate all evidence, including the bodies, which only added to the suffering of Carol's loved ones. Lynn's defense team will present their arguments today as the pre-sentence hearing continues before Justice Michael Croucher. It is a tragic and heartbreaking case, as the pain and loss caused by Lynn's actions continue to reverberate through the lives of Carol's family and friends.

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