Can Labour's strategy win public approval?

Do you plan to watch or go to the coronation? Let us know what you think.

April 11th 2023.

Can Labour's strategy win public approval?

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Do you think it's time the monarchy modernised? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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There is an appetite for change in politics, but are the parties ready to deliver?

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With the coronation procession route being released, what does this signify for the Monarchy?

The British public want a modern monarchy that is accountable to the people, not privileged and unaccountable. They want a monarchy that is seen to be taking responsibility for the current situation and helping to make it better.

The monarchy needs to prove that it is part of the solution, not part of the problem. If it can do this, then it will show that it is serious about modernising and has the public’s best interests at heart.

Are you ready for a more modern, responsible and accountable monarchy? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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