Cameras and sensors in Tesco's "magic tills" calculate shopping without scanning.

Tesco lets customers skip scanning items, eliminating checkout hassle.

November 20th 2023.

Cameras and sensors in Tesco's
Tesco is introducing a revolutionary new technology to make the shopping experience easier and more convenient for customers. The 'magic' tills at their Express Fulham Reach store - known as 'GetGo' - will scan customers' items while they shop, eliminating the need for them to manually scan items at a self-service checkout or wait in line at a regular checkout.

To make this possible, sensors and cameras placed strategically throughout the store will 'see' what customers are buying. At the checkout, customers will be shown a list of their shopping to check against their physical products. They won't need to download the Tesco Grocery App to take advantage of the scan-free checkouts.

The new technology is also available in three other GetGo stores located at High Holborn and Chiswell Street, London, and Aston University in Birmingham. However, customers at these stores are required to use the app in the same way as at Amazon Fresh stores. Customers who use the checkout-free option at these stores will receive a receipt for their purchases within a few minutes of leaving the store. But of course, customers always have the option to pay with cash at an attended till in each GetGo store.

Sarah Quiggin, head of store customer experience at Tesco, said: 'We are constantly searching for the perfect formula to make the shopping trip as seamless and convenient as possible. This trial of scan-free checkouts will add another option for customers in Fulham Reach to save time on scanning items and will reduce queuing in store. We will be watching closely to see how customers react to this potential new option of having a list of their shopping presented to them automatically.'

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