Cain from Emmerdale encourages Matty to commit a violent act despite Matty's fear.

Matty is extremely disturbed by the remarks.

June 17th 2024.

Cain from Emmerdale encourages Matty to commit a violent act despite Matty's fear.
Matty Barton, a character from the popular TV show Emmerdale, is going through a difficult time. He has been unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. It all started when he was at the Hide, a local bar, trying to deal with a troublesome friend of his cousin, Samson Dingle. This friend, Josh, was causing a lot of trouble and had even made unwanted advances towards another friend, Amy Wyatt. After Amy left, he turned his anger towards Matty, hurling transphobic insults and demanding money from the bar's cash register.

In the chaos, Josh pushed Samson towards Matty, causing Samson to accidentally get stabbed by a knife Matty had been holding. Despite Matty's protests of innocence, Samson and Josh stuck to their fabricated story, leaving Matty with no evidence to support his version of events. Only a few people, including Amy, Moira, and Cain, believe in Matty's innocence. Others, like Sam and Lydia, are siding with Samson.

Matty's attempt to reason with Samson only made things worse as Samson reported him for harassment. This resulted in Matty breaking his bail conditions and being arrested. Now, in prison, Matty is terrified of being targeted by other prisoners because he is transgender. He is so afraid that he hasn't even dared to take a shower or leave his cell.

Meanwhile, outside of prison, Cain is desperately trying to convince Samson to tell the truth. Moira also has her own plan to get Samson to confess. The pressure of the situation takes a toll on Cain and Moira's marriage, leading to a heated argument and Cain turning to alcohol.

Cain eventually visits Matty in prison and learns about his new cellmate, Les. Les is a tough inmate who makes Matty's life even more difficult by constantly harassing him. Cain, having experience in prison, advises Matty to use violence to gain respect from the other inmates. This suggestion horrifies Matty, who is not a violent person, and he wonders if he is capable of defending himself in such a way.

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