Cafes in Australia facing tough times as people reduce spending.

Australia's coffee culture is in a crisis despite its reputation as the coffee capital of the world.

July 26th 2024.

Cafes in Australia facing tough times as people reduce spending.
Australia has always prided itself on being the ultimate destination for coffee lovers, but recent developments suggest that our beloved cafe culture is facing a crisis. According to an exclusive survey conducted by, a staggering 45% of the 537 readers who participated admitted to cutting back on their cafe visits. While 24% claimed to have maintained their coffee habits, 31% remained undecided on whether to reduce their cafe expenditures or not.

It seems that Australians are feeling the pinch of the rising cost of living, with the inflation rate currently at 3.6%. Despite the Reserve Bank's efforts to keep it within the two to three per cent target, the cost of everyday items, including coffee, has skyrocketed. In some cafes, a cup of coffee can now cost up to $8, a significant increase from what we are used to paying.

When asked if they were willing to pay the exorbitant new prices, a whopping 93% of the readers responded with a resounding no. This sentiment is not surprising, given that rates are not expected to decrease anytime soon, and Australians are constantly tightening their purse strings when it comes to non-essential expenses. The hospitality sector, in particular, is expected to bear the brunt of this trend, with CreditorWatch predicting a surge in insolvencies in the coming months.

According to CreditorWatch CEO Patrick Coghlan, the combination of dwindling order values and a rise in payment defaults is a cause for concern, as it indicates that more businesses are feeling the strain of both cost and demand pressures. With the possibility of another rate increase on the horizon, Coghlan predicts that these metrics will continue to deteriorate, spelling further trouble for the already vulnerable hospitality industry.

The survey, which is conducted every two weeks, gathers the opinions of the nine audience on the 9Nation platform. This online community consists of our valued readers and viewers, making the results an accurate reflection of the current sentiments and concerns of the Australian public. As we continue to monitor the situation, it's clear that the future of our beloved cafe culture hangs in the balance.

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