Cabin crew members on this low-cost airline are experiencing injuries while working, which could also pose a risk to passengers.

New fear discovered.

July 22nd 2024.

Cabin crew members on this low-cost airline are experiencing injuries while working, which could also pose a risk to passengers.
Flight anxiety is something that affects many travelers, whether it's due to turbulence, unpleasant bathrooms, or questionable food. However, one thing that we never thought we'd have to worry about is our drinks. Whether it's a refreshing Diet Coke or a holiday G&T, we all reach for a mid-flight beverage at some point. But now, there have been reports of exploding drinks on some airlines - yes, you read that right.

According to Southwest Airlines, a major low-cost carrier in the USA, cans of fizzy drinks have been rupturing on board, often while they're being opened. This has resulted in about 20 injuries to employees this summer alone, with one staff member even needing stitches in their hand. And it's not just the employees at risk - passengers sitting in the "firing line" could be in danger as well.

The airline has acknowledged the issue and is aware that it needs to be addressed. The problem is believed to be caused by the fact that none of the food or drinks loaded onto Southwest flights are perishable, so they are not transported in air-conditioned trucks. This is especially concerning in cities like Phoenix, Arizona, where temperatures can reach over 40°C in the summer. As these carbonated drinks are exposed to outside heat for extended periods of time, the pressure and gases inside the cans can cause them to burst.

While this has not been reported by any UK airlines, it's still something to keep in mind for your next flight or if you're traveling with Southwest in the States. On a similar note, if you're purchasing a can of soda at an airport in Europe during the current heatwave, be sure to keep your drink cool as well. Most airlines do not have the facilities to refrigerate personal food and drinks on board, so it's important to be mindful of this.

Speaking of heat, spare a thought for the residents of Kuwait City, considered the hottest city on Earth. With temperatures often exceeding 50°C, it's no surprise that even birds can be seen falling dead from the sky. The streets are equipped with air conditioning to help combat the extreme temperatures. So if you're feeling hot and bothered on your summer holiday, just remember that it could be worse.

Do you have a similar experience to share? We'd love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing us at [email]. Stay cool and stay safe out there!

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