CA seeks to enhance learning for Black students by exploring new approaches.

Legislators looking for ways to spend $300M set aside for low-income, mostly Black school students by Gov. Newsom.

April 15th 2023.

CA seeks to enhance learning for Black students by exploring new approaches.
The California Legislature is taking action to help improve education for low-income Black students, with Governor Gavin Newsom putting $300 million aside. Advocates say this is not enough, but Assemblymember Akilah Weber and members of the Legislative Black Caucus are working with Newsom to find a better way to allocate the funds and increase educational value.

Weber decided to withdraw her bill, which focused on one specific racial group, due to concerns that it could violate the state or U.S. Constitutions. Research shows that schools with mostly Black students receive 16% less funding than those with fewer Black students and districts with concentrated poverty receive 5% less, or about $800 per student, of state and local funds than those with low poverty.

Weber is now calling on school districts to be held accountable for the money they receive and use it to improve students' educational experiences. She believes that this proposal is the perfect way to work toward fixing educational disparities and make schools more fair and accessible for all students.

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