Brooklyn Beckham is devoted to his wife Nicola Peltz and has been getting tattoos for her, with more than 20 dedicated to her.

When you care deeply for someone, you want to do everything to make them happy!

February 24th 2023.

Brooklyn Beckham is devoted to his wife Nicola Peltz and has been getting tattoos for her, with more than 20 dedicated to her.

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Brooklyn Beckham has revealed that he owns numerous tattoos dedicated to his wife, with at least twenty specifically for her. He stated that he finds it 'very addictive' to cover himself with designs that pay homage to his spouse. Brooklyn has a total of 100 tattoos, some of which include the word 'married' on his hand and 'Lover' on his finger. He attributes his success in married life to the advice his father, David Beckham, gave him, which was to 'keep his wife happy.' Brooklyn also had some of his wedding vows inked on his arm and often surprises his wife with new body art. The couple tied the knot in a lavish ceremony last year, and Brooklyn is looking forward to the idea of having children with his wife. He knows that the decision is ultimately up to her.

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