Britney Spears had an eyebrow mishap due to a dangerous incident involving a fireplace.

The celebrity used social media to update her followers.

September 30th 2024.

Britney Spears had an eyebrow mishap due to a dangerous incident involving a fireplace.
Britney Spears shared a shocking and scary experience with her followers on Monday night. The 42-year-old singer recounted an incident that happened earlier this year involving her bedroom fireplace. In an Instagram video, Britney revealed that the fire blew up in her face and singed off her eyebrows and eyelashes. She described the situation as "really, really dangerous" and explained that she usually asks her security team to handle lighting the fire due to previous incidents.

Speaking in her self-described British accent, Britney laughed as she recalled how the blaze also took off her "baby bangs" at the top of her head, which she claims were from the same incident six months ago. She was worried about possible burn injuries and even thought she might have to go to the emergency room. She shared that she was in pain for six or seven hours and even had to take three painkillers, which is a "really, really big deal" for her.

This was not the first time Britney had an accident involving fire in her home. Last year, she accidentally started a fire with some candles in her home gym. She joked that the incident left her with only two pieces of gym equipment, but thankfully, the alarm went off and no one was hurt.

Britney's followers were shocked by her story and expressed their concern for her well-being. Some even shared their own experiences with fires, while others praised her for handling the situation with humor and grace. It's clear that Britney has a strong support system and her fans are always there for her.

If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, the entertainment team at The Agency would love to hear from you. You can email, call, or visit their Submit Stuff page to share your story. Britney's story serves as a reminder to always be cautious and take safety measures, even in our own homes.

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