British family of 9/11 victim wants a new inquest to show that the towers were deliberately destroyed.

The evidence suggests that explosives and incendiaries, not planes, caused the towers to collapse.

September 11th 2024.

British family of 9/11 victim wants a new inquest to show that the towers were deliberately destroyed.
Geoff Campbell, a 31-year-old man, was among the thousands who tragically lost their lives on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center. His family has been fighting for justice and a new inquest into his death, as they believe that the Twin Towers were not brought down by the hijacked planes, but rather by explosives.

Geoff's loved ones are challenging the official narrative that Tower One collapsed due to the impact of American Airlines Flight 11. They believe that there is significant evidence to support the use of explosives and incendiaries in the destruction of not just the towers, but also Building 7 nearby.

Geoff's brother Matt has been tirelessly working towards a new inquest, as he and his family have been living with the knowledge that the official cause of Geoff's death was incorrect. He is now preparing to submit a detailed application to the new attorney general, Richard Hermer, in hopes of challenging the previous decision to deny a new inquest.

In an interview with Metro, Matt expressed his belief that the whole truth about the events of that tragic day has yet to be revealed. He shared that instead of the planes causing the buildings to collapse, as stated in the original inquest in 2013, they now believe that explosives and incendiaries were the cause of death for his brother and many others.

Geoff had been attending a conference at the Windows on the World, located on the top of Tower One, on the day of the attack. Matt describes his brother's presence at the conference as a "Sliding Doors" moment, as he wasn't meant to be there originally. Geoff had agreed to take the place of another co-director at the last minute.

Recalling the events of that day, Matt shared that he was on holiday with his family in Lanzarote and had no idea that his brother was at the conference. He also mentioned that Geoff had recently moved to New York and had just gotten engaged, so it was a bittersweet blessing that they had a chance to see him before he passed away.

It wasn't until June of the following year that the family received the first piece of Geoff's remains. In 2013, inquests were held for Geoff and nine other British victims at West London Coroners' Court. The coroner's conclusion stated that Geoff was on the 106th floor of Tower One when it collapsed due to a deliberate attack by Al-Qaeda.

Matt and his family are now seeking a fresh hearing under section 13 of the Coroner's Act 1988, which allows for a new inquest to be opened if substantial new evidence comes to light. They believe that there is overwhelming evidence that supports the use of explosives and incendiaries in the destruction of not just Tower One, but also Tower Two and Building 7.

Their dossier includes peer-reviewed research that shows traces of nano-thermite explosives in the dust from the destroyed buildings, which can only be used in controlled demolitions. They also argue that the buildings fell at a free fall speed, indicating that they were already destroyed before collapsing, and that the official report does not adequately explain the destruction of Building 7.

Matt insists that he is not a conspiracy theorist, but rather someone who wants the truth to come to light. He believes that the inquest is not about blaming anyone, but rather establishing the true cause of death. He also expressed his frustration with the term "conspiracy theorist," calling it a lazy label and comparing it to cases like Bloody Sunday and Hillsborough, where the initial narrative was proven to be incorrect.

Despite facing criticism and denial from the authorities, Matt remains determined to seek justice for his brother and the other victims of the 9/11 attacks. He is now preparing to challenge the decision to deny a new inquest, and is hopeful that the new attorney general will review their application with fresh eyes and do the right thing. Matt's ultimate goal is to uncover the truth and ensure that his brother's death, and the deaths of thousands of others, are not in vain.

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