Brian May, the iconic guitarist of the band Queen, had a stroke at 77 years old, which was a frightening experience for him.

Sudden loss of control over arm.

September 4th 2024.

Brian May, the iconic guitarist of the band Queen, had a stroke at 77 years old, which was a frightening experience for him.
Hey there! I have some news to share with you all. I recently experienced a scary moment when I suffered a stroke and had to be rushed to the hospital. Yes, it was quite an eventful ordeal, and I must admit, it was a bit alarming. As you may know, I am not just any ordinary person, but a legendary guitarist, Sir Brian May, at the age of 77.

It all started when I suddenly lost control of my left arm. It was quite unexpected and I had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I remember feeling quite worried and uncertain about what was happening to me. However, I want to assure you all that I am recovering well and still able to play the guitar. Although, I must mention that I am currently grounded and not allowed to travel or engage in any activities that could raise my heart rate. But hey, I'm just following doctor's orders and taking this time to rest and recuperate.

I wanted to share this news with you all through social media because I have some good news to report as well. Despite the health hiccup, I am still able to play the guitar and bring joy to my fans. Now, you may be wondering what exactly happened to me. Well, the doctors have diagnosed it as a minor stroke. But don't worry, I am getting the best care and attention possible. I even had a thrilling experience with the blue lights flashing and everything! I might even post a video of it if you guys are interested. But please, I don't want any sympathy. I just want to keep my inbox clutter-free. Thank you for understanding.

Now, back to the good news! I am doing okay and just taking it easy as advised by my doctors. I am not allowed to drive or take a flight, and I must keep my heart rate in check. But overall, I am doing well and that's what matters. I am grateful for all the love and well wishes from my fans, and I promise to take care of myself.

Moving on, I also wanted to mention my new documentary, "The Badgers, The Farmers and Me", in the video. It is a part of my decade-long campaign to stop badger-culling in the UK. I am quite excited about it and I promise you guys, there will be plenty of bombshells in it.

This is not the first time I have faced a health scare. Last year, I had a heart attack, and a few months later, I revealed that the medication I took caused a stomach explosion that nearly took my life. But I am a fighter, and I am grateful to have a heart that is functioning better than ever.

If you have any celebrity stories, videos, or pictures, please do share them with us. You can email us, give us a call, or visit our Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for your love and support, my dear fans. Keep rocking!

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