Both parents of teen in fight claim messages from both sides were equally aggressive.

Teens exchanged a lot of angry words.

April 13th 2024.

Both parents of teen in fight claim messages from both sides were equally aggressive.
Kaylee Gain's parents have opened up about the recent altercation between their daughter and fellow student, 15-year-old Maurnice DeClue. The incident, which was captured on video and quickly gained global attention, has left the family shaken and seeking answers.

Clinton Gain, 41, and Jamie Gain, Kaylee's stepmother, spoke to the New York Post about their efforts to understand the events leading up to the violent clash between the two teens. They revealed that they went through Kaylee's phone to review the text exchange between her and DeClue, as well as the events that occurred prior to the fight.

According to the Gains, the two girls were part of rival friend groups at Hazelwood East High School near St. Louis. Tensions escalated when Kaylee got into a physical altercation with one of DeClue's friends. In an attempt to settle the dispute, the two teens agreed to meet and engage in a fight. Clinton declined to disclose the exact contents of the messages, but confirmed that both girls had agreed to the confrontation.

Jamie acknowledged that the decision to address their issues with violence was a "terrible" one for both girls. They ended up meeting at a location known for hosting teen fights, located about a mile away from their school. During the altercation, DeClue gained the upper hand and repeatedly slammed Kaylee's head against the sidewalk. The entire incident was recorded by a group of students from Hazelwood East, and Kaylee was left with severe injuries including a fractured skull and brain bleeding.

DeClue was arrested for her involvement in the fight, and prosecutors are now seeking to charge her as an adult. A hearing has been scheduled for May 1. However, DeClue's parents and attorney have painted a different picture of their daughter. They claim that she is an honors student who is proficient in multiple languages and plays the violin in the school band. They also allege that Kaylee had been bullying DeClue, a claim that the Gains vehemently deny.

Jamie shared that Kaylee is currently in a weak and wobbly state, and she requires assistance to walk due to her injuries. She also revealed that Kaylee's speech has been affected, and she often speaks in a loop. The Gains are heartbroken over the state of their daughter and refute claims that she was the bully in this situation. They assert that the hostile exchange between the two girls was a two-way street, as evidenced by their text messages.

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