Booker T says Roxanne Perez will never back down and will always strive to do her best, even if it's beyond her limits.

Hall of Famer shares his connection with a budding celebrity.

March 21st 2023.

Booker T says Roxanne Perez will never back down and will always strive to do her best, even if it's beyond her limits.

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Booker T trained Roxanne Perez before she joined NXT

WWE legend Booker T has applauded his protégé Roxanne Perez and predicted a 'lengthy career ahead of her'.

The condition of the NXT Women's Champion is currently uncertain with WrestleMania Week and NXT Stand & Deliver quickly approaching two weeks after she crumpled on-screen following her title defense against Meiko Satomura, and there has been a lot of speculation about how much of the storyline is grounded in reality.

Although NXT commentator Booker T did not go into details, he exclusively told The Agency: 'You know, Roxanne, she's making history, man. She has a long career ahead of her. It appears as if everything is happening so fast, like lightning in a bottle for her.

'Her thing is just staying focused, and one thing about her also, she works so hard, she's going to push herself to the limit.'

He discussed the 21-year-old star's match with the Japanese wrestling veteran, and he admitted he has difficulty talking about Roxanne after being so intensely involved in her training from the age of 16.

He said: 'The match with Meiko Satomuta was, I believe, the match that really put her in a position to where she knows she can do it, but now it's about not just being able to go out there and do it, it's about being able to go out there and do it, and finish, and move to what's next.

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Roxanne collapsed in the ring after her match with Meiko Satomura

'I consistently say, it's the toughest thing that I have ever done in my life being a part of the wrestling business, and to see Roxanne at [21 years old] with so many accomplishments at such a young age. The future's bright for her.

'I just look at her like a little girl, that's why it's so difficult for me to talk about her, it's like talking about one of my kids. It's like talking about my little girl, I just want the best for her. To see her go down like that, it was definitely a touching, touching moment.'

The Hall of Famer admitted it can be 'really, really hard' commentating on Roxanne's matches and balancing their real life relationship with his role at the announce table.

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Booker T has a huge amount of respect and love for his protege

'It's really, really hard. When she won the title, the night she won the title, I was so ecstatic. I wanted to go and embrace her, but I wanted to give her that moment at the same time,' he recollected, mentioning her big win over Mandy Rose on December 13, 2022.

He grinned: 'So I sat back down, and one of the guys in my earpiece said, "Book, get in there!" I gave her a hug.'

Will Roxanne Perez become Raw or SmackDown Women's Champion one day?Comment Now

He likened it to moments from his own in-ring career, including the first time he squared up with the legendary 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.

'Macho Man' coming down the aisle, I became a fan for a moment, then I had to realise, "Wait a minute, I gotta work here,"' he chuckled. 'It's one of those unreal, unreal moments that you find yourself in - very rare, in this business.'

Booker T trained Roxanne Perez before she joined NXT

WWE legend Booker T has extolled his protege Roxanne Perez and foretold a 'long career in front of her'.

The NXT Women's Champion's current status is unclear with WrestleMania Week and NXT Stand & Deliver being only two weeks away after she had a collapse on screen following her title defence against Meiko Satomura, and there has been a lot of speculation about how much of the storyline is based in reality.

Although NXT commentator Booker T didn't go into detail, he exclusively told The Agency: 'You know, Roxanne, she's making history, man. She has a long career in front of her. It seems like everything is happening so fast, like lightning in a bottle for her.

'Her thing is just staying focused, and one thing about her also, she works so hard, she's gonna push herself to the limit.'

He discussed the 21-year-old star's match with the Japanese wrestling veteran, and he admitted he finds it difficult to talk about Roxanne after being so actively involved in her training from the age of 16.

He said: 'The match with Meiko Satomuta was, I think, the match that really put her in a position to where she knows she can do it, but now it's about not just being able to go out there and do it, it's about being able to go out there and do it, and finish, and move to what's next.

Roxanne collapsed in the ring after her match with Meiko Satomura

'I always say, it's the toughest thing that I ever did in my life being a part of the wrestling business, and to see Roxanne at [21 years old] with so many accomplishments at such a young age. The future's bright for her.

'I just look at her like a little girl, that's why it's so hard for me to talk about her, it's like talking about one of my kids. It's like talking about my little girl, I just want the best for her. To see her go down like that, it was definitely a touching, touching moment.'

The Hall of Famer revealed it can be 'really, really hard' commentating on Roxanne's matches and reconciling their real life bond with his role at the announce table.

Booker T has a huge amount of respect and love for his protege

'It's really, really hard. When she won the title, the night she won the title, I was so excited. I wanted to go and hug her, but I wanted to give her that moment at the same time,' he recalled, referring to her big win over Mandy Rose on December 13, 2022.

He beamed: 'So I sat back down, and one of the guys in my earpiece said, "Book, get in there!" I gave her a hug.'

Will Roxanne Perez become Raw or SmackDown Women's Champion one day?Comment Now

He likened it to moments from his own in-ring career, including the first time he clashed with the legendary 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.

'Macho Man's coming down the aisle, I turned into a fan for a moment, then I had to realise, "Wait a minute, I gotta work here,"' he chuckled. 'It's one of those surreal, surreal moments that you find yourself in - very rare, in this business.'

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