Body of woman discovered in large plastic container with wheels.

Police investigating death as "unexpected and unexplained."

November 9th 2023.

Body of woman discovered in large plastic container with wheels.
This morning, a shocking incident took place in Granville Road in north London. A member of the public discovered a woman's body in a wheelie bin near a block of flats in Golders Green.

The woman was pronounced dead at the scene by police and paramedics, and Scotland Yard is now treating the death as 'unexpected and unexplained'. An investigation is ongoing.

An eyewitness reported that there was a backpack next to the bin with personal items inside. Police have put a larger cordon in place around the area and a pink rucksack has been left on top of one of the bins.

The Metropolitan Police released a statement saying, “Officers and London Ambulance Service attended the scene. The woman was confirmed to be deceased. A crime scene is in place. The death is being treated as unexpected and unexplained. Enquiries continue.”

It's a tragedy that a woman has been found dead in such an unexpected and unexplained manner. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased in this difficult time.

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