One of the most frustrating things about Board meetings is that it is difficult for founders and CEOs to get feedback on them.
I’ve seen some interesting approaches to addressing this problem lately.
Some companies are sending around post meeting feedback forms and asking all attendees to fill them out.
Some CEOs have asked their Board members to send emails to them summarizing their thoughts and take aways after the meeting.
I am a fan of anything that produces meaningful feedback for management from Board meetings.
My preference is to build the feedback function right into the meeting with a post meeting executive session between the CEO and directors where the feedback is delivered face to face in real time.
The big challenge with the post meeting executive session is that all Board meetings seem to run over on time and the end of the meeting is a time crunch.
So making time for the executive session is often challenging. But it is worth it in my view.
Regardless of what technique you are using, if you are running Board meetings and not getting feedback on them, you are doing it wrong.