Black woman removed from Frontier flight for not agreeing to assist in emergency situation.

Travel vlogger, Travel with Tia, recorded the incident and posted a video defending the woman involved.

May 21st 2024.

Black woman removed from Frontier flight for not agreeing to assist in emergency situation.
It was supposed to be a peaceful flight, but things quickly took a turn for the worse when a Black woman was forced off a Frontier plane and arrested. The incident occurred at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina in May 2024 and was caught on camera by a TikTok user named Travel with Tia. The woman, who remains unidentified, was seen arguing with flight attendants and other crew members after allegedly refusing to comply with instructions while seated in the emergency exit row.

As tensions rose, the entire flight was deplaned and police officers were called to the aircraft. The video starts with the woman calmly asking a flight attendant, "What is the problem?" However, as the situation escalated, she became more agitated and told the attendant she was "wasting her breath" before walking away.

The woman then engaged in a heated argument with other crew members, including the pilot, who asked her to exit the plane. She refused, citing the need to get to her four-year-old grandson in Texas. This led to the other passengers becoming involved, with some encouraging the woman to comply with the police and deboard the plane.

The woman was seen attempting to contact her lawyer, while other passengers expressed their frustration with the situation. One passenger can be heard in the background calling the woman a "dumb*ss." Eventually, the woman was led off the plane in handcuffs and taken to a police car, while other passengers were allowed to reboard the flight.

According to reports, the woman had violated a Federal Aviation Administration requirement by not verbally confirming her willingness to assist others in case of an emergency. The requirement states that all passengers seated in an emergency exit row must read the instructions and verbally confirm their understanding and willingness to help. The woman claimed that she had said yes when asked by the flight crew, but this was disputed by the crew.

In a follow-up video, Travel with Tia defended the woman, explaining that this may have been her first time sitting in an emergency exit row and she may not have fully understood the instructions. "She had an attitude with giving the verbal yes because she thought shaking her head was sufficient," Tia claimed.

Frontier Airlines has yet to release a statement regarding the incident. However, many people have expressed their outrage over the treatment of the woman and the handling of the situation by the airline. Whether or not the woman will face any charges or penalties is still unknown, but the incident has sparked discussions about proper procedures and protocols on flights.

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