Black Americans are willing to take a pay cut to have a four-day workweek.

4-day work week could offer advantages and drawbacks in the workplace.

August 12th 2023.

Black Americans are willing to take a pay cut to have a four-day workweek.
As the concept of a four-day workweek grows in popularity, many Black American workers are expressing their enthusiasm for the change. conducted a survey of 1,000 full-time office workers and found that 94% of those questioned reported they would favor transitioning to such a work week. The survey also found that an even higher percentage of Black Americans, 97%, were willing to make the switch with 41% of these respondents saying they would even take a pay cut to have a shortened workweek.

The impetus for this shift in workplace culture was, in part, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the traditional workweek schedule. Many countries, including Japan, Spain, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, have already implemented or are currently trying a four-day workweek. In America, over 30 companies have also trialed the concept with some making it a permanent option for their workforce.

So what would a four-day workweek look like? Would it include fewer hours or simply condense a 40 hour schedule into fewer days? According to the report, businesses may experience cost savings, higher productivity, and employee retention as pros to the change. On the other hand, cons could be scheduling challenges, lower productivity, and more stress for workers to complete their work in a shorter time. The survey also revealed that 6% of office workers object to the change, preferring to keep 8-hour days as opposed to 10-hour days.

“Businesses may still be hesitant to change to a 4-day work week, as they will need to renegotiate employment contracts, address holiday pay, and decide on a work schedule for part-timers,” said Stacie Haller, Chief Career Advisor at “However, this change may be worth the challenge as it could also increase employee retention by supporting a better work/life balance.”

As we celebrate National Black Business Month, it is important to recognize the role that Black American workers have played in the success of the four-day workweek. With 96% of respondents saying that the switch would improve their work/life balance, it’s clear that this change could have a positive effect on the Black community.

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