Billy fights Teddy after the death of Mitchell in EastEnders.

He's in dire need of finding solutions.

July 8th 2024.

Billy fights Teddy after the death of Mitchell in EastEnders.
Billy had been struggling lately, and it was understandable. After all, he had just discovered a huge family secret that had been kept from him for years. It all started on Stevie's birthday, when Billy realized he had forgotten to wish his father a happy birthday. Feeling guilty, he quickly organized a celebration at the pub to make up for it.

But while Billy was busy with the party, his brother Phil had been playing detective and trying to uncover what Stevie was hiding. It wasn't the first time Billy had dealt with the news that he had another family, including a son named Teddy and two grandsons. However, Phil remained suspicious and determined to uncover the truth.

In a phone call with Ritchie, Phil asked her to look into Stevie's past. Meanwhile, at the party, Stevie was enjoying the family coming together. Billy even gave a speech and mentioned his distant mother, who he believed was still out there somewhere. However, Phil arrived with an angry look on his face and confronted Stevie, revealing that he knew what he had been keeping from Billy.

Later at home, Stevie gave Billy a birthday card addressed to his mother, Val. As Billy read the contents, he assumed that Stevie knew where she was. But then Stevie revealed that Val had actually died shortly after leaving the family when Billy was a child. This was a lot for Billy to take in, but it only got worse when he learned that Stevie believed he was responsible for her death.

In the following pictures, we see the aftermath of this shocking revelation. Billy is understandably overwhelmed with emotion and turns his anger towards Teddy. He blames him for being complicit in Stevie's lies and can't help but wonder how much Teddy knows about Val's death.

Actor Perry Fenwick, who plays Billy, shared his thoughts on how this will impact Billy's relationships with Teddy and his newfound nephews. He explains, "It's a lot for Billy to process because everything he thought he knew about his mother has been turned upside down. He's just found out he has a half-brother and two nephews, and now he's learning that his mother is dead. It's a lot to handle."

But the question remains, how much does Teddy really know about Val's death? And how will this news affect Billy's relationships with his new family members? Perry Fenwick hints at the turmoil Billy will face, saying, "Billy has been through a lot of pain and neglect in his life, and in this situation, he will do anything to protect himself and his family from any further distress. It's a devastating blow for him."

Furthermore, Phil's actions in revealing the truth may have unintended consequences for Billy. Perry adds, "Phil may argue that he was trying to protect Billy, but he didn't consider the impact it would have on him. For all Phil knows, it could push Billy over the edge and ruin everything he has built."

But despite the turmoil and heartache, there may still be more shocking secrets waiting to be revealed. Want to be the first to know about the latest EastEnders, Coronation Street, and Emmerdale spoilers? Join the Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community and gain access to exclusive interviews, must-watch videos, and spoiler galleries. Just click on the link and select "Join Chat" to become a part of the community. Don't forget to turn on notifications so you never miss out on the latest updates! As Perry says, "It's a lot for Billy to take in, and it's just the beginning."

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