Biden's limited group of allies has become even more exclusive.

Biden's inner circle has shrunk due to his debate mistakes.

July 19th 2024.

Biden's limited group of allies has become even more exclusive.
The campaign for US President Joe Biden is facing a new challenge as pressure mounts for him to withdraw from the 2024 election. Despite his insistence that he can beat Republican Donald Trump, many top Democrats are calling for him to step aside in order to prevent potential party losses in November. Isolated at his beach house in Delaware as he battles a COVID-19 infection, Biden's circle of confidants has dwindled even further. With only a few longtime aides by his side, he is weighing his options and considering whether to give in to the mounting pressure.

Jen O'Malley Dillon, chair of Biden's campaign, has acknowledged a decline in support for the president but maintains that he is staying in the race. She believes there are still multiple paths to victory and they have a lot of work to do to reassure the American people that despite his age, Biden is still capable of winning. Although some voters may have concerns about his fitness to lead, Dillon assures that they are not switching to vote for Trump. However, she also acknowledges that there are questions that need to be addressed.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee's rulemaking arm is moving forward with plans for a virtual roll call before August 7th to nominate their presidential pick. This comes as President Trump has wrapped up an enthusiastic Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. The stakes are high for both parties, with Democrats considering the unprecedented possibility of Biden stepping aside before their own convention.

In the midst of this turmoil, a majority of Democrats believe that Vice President Kamala Harris would make a good president. A recent poll found that about 60% of Democrats have confidence in Harris, while about 20% do not and the rest are undecided. This adds to the mounting pressure on Biden to reconsider his candidacy.

Former President Barack Obama has expressed concerns to allies and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told Biden privately that the party could lose control of the House if he does not step aside. Senator Chris Coons, Biden's closest friend in Congress and campaign co-chair, believes that Biden deserves the respect to have important family conversations and not be battling leaks and press statements. However, he also acknowledges that it is a pivotal few days for the president and his party.

Despite the calls for him to drop out, Biden remains committed to staying in the race. His campaign officials have stated that the president is even more determined to win as the pressure mounts. However, there is also time for him to reconsider. Biden has been made aware of the campaign's struggle to raise money and key Democrats see an opportunity to encourage his exit while he is away from the campaign for a few days. Some members of his Cabinet have resigned themselves to the possibility of him losing in November.

It is clear that the issue of Biden's candidacy will not go away. In Congress, Democrats are having private conversations about lining up behind Harris as an alternative. Some lawmakers believe that Biden's own advisers are unable to reach a unanimous recommendation about what he should do. While the majority still want Biden to stay in the race, nearly two-thirds of Democrats nationwide believe he should step aside and allow the party to nominate a different candidate. This is a significant number and undermines Biden's claim that the "average Democrats" are still with him. With influential Democrats expressing strong concern and the pressure only increasing, it remains to be seen what the future holds for Joe Biden and the 2024 election.

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