Biden's key advisors think he needs to withdraw soon: "This can't continue for much longer".

Biden is facing growing pressure to drop his reelection campaign as top officials fear his increasing isolation.

July 19th 2024.

Biden's key advisors think he needs to withdraw soon:
President Joe Biden is currently facing a challenging situation as many senior-ranking officials from the White House and his campaign believe that he should step down from the race for a second term. The pressure is mounting, with one Democratic governor expressing that the next 72 hours will be crucial. It seems that this cannot continue for much longer.

In interviews with CNN, numerous sources familiar with the inner workings of the West Wing and the campaign have shared their belief that Biden's candidacy is no longer feasible. Even a senior Democrat has admitted, "Everyone is saying it privately." It's as though the walls are closing in, and the sense of isolation is palpable.

Some of Biden's closest advisors, including Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer, and Jen O'Malley Dillon, have faced criticism from the president's family after the CNN presidential debate on June 27. This has only made the circle of advisors with direct access to Biden even smaller and more impenetrable. It's a concerning trend, especially since it has been reported that Biden's inner circle has become exceptionally insulated and isolated since the debate.

Three weeks have passed since Biden's disastrous performance in the debate, and it seems that only a small group of loyal aides, including Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, along with members of the Biden family, are standing by him. This has raised concerns among many Democrats who question whether Biden is receiving accurate information about the state of his candidacy.

Annie Tomasini, Deputy White House Chief of Staff and a longtime aide to the Bidens, has joined Donilon and Ricchetti in forming a protective bubble around the president. Another source of power within this tight-knit circle is Anthony Bernal, Chief of Staff to Jill Biden, who has reportedly silenced any dissent by reporting it to the First Lady. On the other hand, Ricchetti seems to have a clear understanding of the challenges facing Biden, as he remains the go-to person for lawmakers trying to communicate with the president.

When approached for comment on this situation, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates stated that Biden is proud of the well-rounded team he has built and has not made any changes to his group of trusted advisors. According to Bates, Biden values their honesty and their focus on the well-being of the American people.

It has also been reported that when faced with unfavorable polls, Biden's response has been to question if anyone else could perform better than him. Additionally, there seems to be a pause in meetings and phone calls with anyone who may bring bad news. As one senior Democrat put it, "The phones just kind of stopped ringing."

In a recent conversation between Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, there was a disagreement over polling, leading Pelosi to request Donilon's presence to review the data. However, a spokesperson for Pelosi has stated that the media's portrayal of this conversation is not accurate.

According to a top Democrat close to the White House, Biden only wants to hear from Donilon and Ricchetti, making it difficult for others to share their feedback. However, someone close to Biden's inner circle has stated that Donilon and Ricchetti have been presenting a range of views, and the president himself has been directly speaking with numerous party officials to gather their insights.
President Joe Biden is currently facing a difficult situation, with many high-ranking officials in the White House and his campaign privately expressing their belief that he should end his campaign for a second term. The next 72 hours are crucial, as one Democratic governor shared with their aides, saying that this cannot continue for much longer.

There is a growing acceptance among those close to Biden that it is no longer feasible for him to continue in the 2024 race. "Everyone is saying it privately," one senior Democrat revealed. "People can see that the walls are closing in." Another top Democrat described Biden as becoming increasingly "insulated and isolated" since the CNN presidential debate on June 27.

Sources reveal that some of Biden's most senior advisors, including Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer, and Jen O'Malley Dillon, faced backlash from the president's family after the debate. This has only made the tight-knit group of advisors with direct access to Biden even smaller and more impenetrable.

Concerns have been raised by many Democrats about whether Biden is receiving accurate information about the state of his campaign. Deputy White House Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini, a longtime aide to the Bidens, is part of the protective bubble around the president, along with Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti, two of Biden's most loyal advisors. Anthony Bernal, chief of staff to Jill Biden, has also gained more influence in the midst of the crisis and has reportedly been reporting any dissent to the first lady.

Ricchetti, who is responsible for communicating with lawmakers on behalf of the president, is said to have a more realistic understanding of the challenges facing Biden. In response to questions about this situation, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates stated that Biden is proud of the team he has assembled and trusts them to provide honest feedback and prioritize the wellbeing of the American people.

Sources also reveal that when faced with negative polls, Biden's response has been to question whether there is anyone else who could do a better job. Additionally, meetings and phone calls with people who may bring bad news have seemingly come to a halt. "The phones just kind of stopped ringing," one senior Democrat shared.

It was previously reported that in a tense conversation between Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, where they disagreed over polling, Pelosi requested the involvement of Donilon, a former pollster. However, a spokesperson for Pelosi has denied this. One top Democrat close to the White House stated that Biden only wants to hear from Donilon and Ricchetti, and not anyone else.

Despite these reports, a person close to Biden's inner circle insists that Donilon and Ricchetti have been presenting a range of views to the president and that he has also been directly speaking with numerous party officials to gather their input. The situation remains uncertain, and the next few days will be crucial in determining whether Biden will continue in his campaign for a second term.

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