Biden's final State of the Union before the 2024 election is anticipated to bring expectations.

Biden to discuss his plans for a second term, aging concerns, and potential dangers of a Trump presidency.

March 7th 2024.

Biden's final State of the Union before the 2024 election is anticipated to bring expectations.
On March 7th, President Joe Biden will take the stage for his final State of the Union address, marking the end of his first term as president. With the election season looming, the presumptive Democratic nominee plans to use this opportunity to not only promote his vision for a potential second term, but also to address any doubts about his ability to lead as the nation's oldest president. He will also warn about the potential dangers of another term under his predecessor, Donald Trump.

The president has been working tirelessly on his speech, collaborating with his closest aides and presidential historian Jon Meacham at the Camp David presidential retreat. His main goal is to highlight the achievements made since he took office in January 2021, including significant progress in infrastructure and manufacturing. In fact, a recent partnership with Nokia has resulted in the creation of 200 new manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin as they work towards providing high-speed internet nationwide.

One major focus of Biden's speech will be the recently signed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will not only rebuild bridges and roads, but also prioritize connecting historically segregated Black and brown communities. He will also touch on controversial topics such as abortion access and tax policy, hoping to bridge the gap with Republican lawmakers and show that their policies do not align with the needs of the country.

This will be the first State of the Union that new House Speaker Mike Johnson will attend, as former speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted in late 2023. Johnson has reportedly been keeping a close eye on his party colleagues, following the disruptive behavior seen during past addresses. In particular, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's heckling and booing of Biden during his February 2023 address has caused Johnson to emphasize the importance of decorum in the chamber this year.

The State of the Union address is a pivotal event on the White House calendar, giving the president a direct line to capture the attention of both the House chamber attendees and the millions of viewers watching at home. According to former speechwriter in the Clinton White House, Michael Waldman, while some may argue that the speech has lost its relevance, it is still an important platform for the president to communicate with the American people. "You always hear people say, 'Oh, the speech has lost its relevance. Just send a PDF of it. It should be a video.' That's just such nonsense," Waldman stated. "It may not be as big as Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl, but it's a big audience for a political speech."

Perhaps one way to capture the attention of the audience is through the choice of topics and guests. For example, Rep. Robin Kelly will be bringing Dr. Lisa Green, a physician and Black maternal health expert, as her guest. As co-author of the CARE for Moms Act, a comprehensive solution to the maternal mortality crisis in the US, Kelly is excited to have Dr. Green share her story and advocate for better resources for community physicians. "Dr. Green has seen first-hand how policies like Medicaid postpartum extension have transformed lives in Illinois," Kelly stated. "I look forward to bringing her story to our nation's Capital and fighting for community physicians to get the resources they need."

In light of his recent announcement of support for Israel, Biden is also scheduled to announce the development of a temporary port on the Gaza coast to increase aid for the devastated territory amidst the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. This move highlights the president's commitment to addressing global issues and providing aid to those in need.

As the country eagerly anticipates President Biden's final State of the Union address, it is clear that this speech will not only reflect on the past year's achievements, but also lay out his plans for the future and address important issues facing the nation. It is an opportunity for the president to directly connect with the American people and inspire them to continue working towards a better tomorrow.

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