Biden's decision led to Taliban's comeback in Afghanistan.

US withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20+ years of intervention and institution-building has failed, resulting in Taliban rule again. Book "The Last Commander" explores the past and future of this battle.

August 18th 2024.

Biden's decision led to Taliban's comeback in Afghanistan.
It's hard to believe that it's been three years since the United States made the difficult decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. After over two decades of military intervention and efforts to build a strong and fair democracy, it was a heartbreaking realization that our mission had not been successful. And now, as we look back, it's clear that Afghanistan is once again under the control of the Taliban.

It's a sobering reality, especially when we consider the sacrifices made by our soldiers and the resources poured into this endeavor. The dream of a vibrant and egalitarian society in Afghanistan seemed within reach, but it ultimately slipped away. And now, as we reflect on this chapter in history, it's important to understand the complexities of the situation and the lessons we can learn.

In his new book, "The Last Commander: The Once and Future Battle," the author delves into the reasons behind the failure of our efforts in Afghanistan. It's a thought-provoking and eye-opening read, shedding light on the challenges and obstacles that we faced. The book also offers insights into the future of Afghanistan and the potential for future battles.

One thing is for sure, the events in Afghanistan have left a lasting impact on both the country and the United States. It's a reminder of the consequences of war and the importance of understanding the culture and history of a nation before intervening. As we move forward, it's essential to reflect on our past actions and use them to inform our decisions and strategies in the future.

Ultimately, "The Last Commander" is a thought-provoking and timely read, especially as we continue to grapple with the aftermath of our involvement in Afghanistan. It's a reminder that the pursuit of democracy and peace is a complicated and ongoing journey, and we must learn from our mistakes to create a better future for all.

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