Biden challenges opponents to run against him and reveals doctor visits for Parkinson's.

The Biden administration has not disclosed how many of the Parkinson's expert's eight White House visits were related to the president.

July 8th 2024.

Biden challenges opponents to run against him and reveals doctor visits for Parkinson's.
Despite facing calls to drop out of the presidential race, President Joe Biden is standing strong and even issuing a challenge to his doubters. On the same day that it was revealed a Parkinson's doctor had visited the White House multiple times, Biden dared his critics to run against him in the upcoming election. It seems that the pressure is mounting on Biden, with some questioning his fitness to run for another term.

The neurologist in question, Dr. Kevin Cannard from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, made eight visits to the White House between August and March. He even met with Biden's personal physician at least once. This news, coupled with ongoing speculation about Biden's health, has only added fuel to the fire. But the president is not backing down.

In a recent interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe show, Biden called out the "elites" in his own party who have been calling for him to step aside before the Democratic National Convention next month. He even went as far as to challenge anyone who doubts his ability to run for president to announce their own candidacy and challenge him at the convention.

"It drives me nuts that people are talking about this," Biden said. "The bottom line is, we're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere." He further solidified his stance by stating in a letter to congressional Democrats that he wouldn't be running again if he didn't believe he was the best person to defeat Donald Trump in 2024.

The topic of Biden's health was brought up once again when it was revealed that Dr. Cannard had made multiple visits to the White House. When questioned about this at a press briefing, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to disclose any details about the visits or who the doctor met with. She reiterated that Biden has only seen a neurologist once a year for his annual physical and that she would not confirm any names.

The press briefing became heated when CBS News correspondent Ed O'Keefe pressed Jean-Pierre for more information, but she stood firm in her position. Despite the growing pressure, Biden remains determined to stay in the race and prove his critics wrong. Some have even called for him to take a cognitive test to ease doubts about his capabilities, but Biden has dismissed this idea.

"I have a cognitive test every single day," he responded during a recent interview. "Not only am I campaigning, but I'm also running the world." However, some experts have stated that a cognitive test alone may not accurately determine Biden's ability to serve another term. Dr. Kenneth Boockvar from the University of Alabama at Birmingham explained that the test is only a screening and not a diagnostic tool.

As the talk of Biden's health continues, some Democrats are reportedly exploring the idea of having him exit the race and launching a "blitz primary" to select a new nominee before the convention. However, Biden remains defiant and determined to stay in the race. As the election draws closer, it remains to be seen how this will all play out.

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