Biden addresses criticism of his debate performance.

Biden promises not to run again if he didn't believe he could handle the high stakes of the job.

June 29th 2024.

Biden addresses criticism of his debate performance.
On June 28, President Joe Biden took the podium to address the public after his performance at the Presidential Debate the previous night. With a supportive crowd in front of him, Biden acknowledged his shortcomings during the debate, admitting that he may not have debated as well as he used to. Despite this, he firmly believes that he is still the better choice compared to his opponent, Donald Trump.

At 81 years old, President Biden recognized the need to do damage control following the debate. Many viewers felt that he appeared disjointed and underprepared. However, during his speech, he showed a different side of himself, speaking confidently and concisely to assure his supporters.

Biden began by addressing the concerns about his age, stating, "I know I'm not a young man, to state the obvious." He then went on to address some of the biggest concerns about him potentially taking office again. "I may not speak as smoothly as I used to, but I know what I know. I know how to tell the truth, I know right from wrong, and I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done," he declared.

He also made it clear that he would not be running for re-election if he didn't believe he was the best person for the job. He also drew attention to the fact that his opponent, Trump, is now a federally convicted criminal. "I know, like millions of Americans know, that when you get knocked down, you get back up," Biden stated.

The President continued to speak about his plans for the future, highlighting his experience and expertise. "I know what it takes to lead our economy from the depths of the pandemic to where it is today - the strongest in the world. I know what it will take to ensure this economy works for everyone," he explained.

As he wrapped up his speech, Biden received overwhelming support from the crowd. "I know what it will take to rally the world to stand up against Putin and not yield to him. I know what it will take to keep the world safe and free for the years ahead," he confidently stated. The crowd cheered and chanted "Yes you can" as he left the stage.

In conclusion, Biden assured the public that he is fully committed to serving as President and that he would not be running again if he didn't believe he was up for the job. The stakes are too high, and he knows that he has what it takes to lead the country forward. With the support of the American people, he is determined to make a positive impact and continue to fight for what is right.

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