Bhagwat says India is being depicted as a danger to Bangladesh, with plots aimed at challenging the country's determination.

RSS leader Mohan Bhagwat stated that India has grown stronger and gained more credibility in the world, but is facing challenges from various conspiracies and attempts to disrupt the country's peace.

October 12th 2024.

Bhagwat says India is being depicted as a danger to Bangladesh, with plots aimed at challenging the country's determination.
In his address at the annual Vijayadashmi rally of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in Nagpur, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat expressed his belief that India has gained strength and respect in the world in recent years. He also acknowledged the challenges facing the country, including sinister conspiracies aimed at testing its resolve.

Bhagwat highlighted the increasing momentum of attempts to disturb and destabilize India from various directions, while also shedding light on a narrative being spread in Bangladesh that portrays India as a threat. He criticized "cultural Marxists and woke" individuals for promoting conflict, undermining education and culture, and disrupting social cohesion.

The RSS chief also expressed concern over the impact of modern technology and media on children, specifically pointing out the negative influence of mobile phones and over-the-top streaming platforms.

Bhagwat emphasized the importance of personal and national character in the strength and victory of righteousness, regardless of the situation. He stated that the people of India are the foundation of its greatness and that this year is especially significant as the RSS celebrates its centenary.

While acknowledging the hopes and aspirations of the country, Bhagwat also acknowledged the challenges and problems it faces. He urged the people to draw inspiration from figures such as Ahilyabai Holkar, Dayananda Saraswati, and Birsa Munda, who dedicated their lives to the welfare of the nation, dharma, culture, and society.

Expressing concern over the ongoing Hamas-Israel war, Bhagwat stated that the extent of its spread is worrying. He also expressed satisfaction over the peaceful assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and credited the people, government, and administration for India's growing image, power, fame, and position on the world stage.

However, Bhagwat also acknowledged the existence of sinister conspiracies aimed at destabilizing and disturbing the country. He stated that certain powers, whose vested interests are affected by India's rise, only allow it to grow within certain limits. These powers claim to be democratic and committed to world peace but are not afraid to attack or overthrow democratically elected governments using illegal or violent means.

According to Bhagwat, similar evil attempts can be seen around India, particularly in the border and tribal areas. He mentioned a narrative being spread in neighboring Bangladesh, which recently experienced a massive political upheaval, that portrays India as a threat and encourages them to join forces with Pakistan. Bhagwat questioned who is spreading this narrative and highlighted the tyrannical fundamentalist nature in Bangladesh, where minorities, including Hindus, are under threat.

Bhagwat stressed the need for Hindus to unite and stand up against these threats, calling for the help of all those who support humanity and harmony, especially the Indian government and Hindus from all over the world. He also expressed concern over infiltration from Bangladesh and the resulting population imbalance and urged Hindus to stay organized and strong.

The RSS chief also spoke about the declared enemies of all cultural traditions, such as the "Deep State", "wokeism", and "cultural Marxism". He stated that in a multi-party democracy, petty selfish interests have become more important than mutual harmony, pride, and integrity of the nation. The attempts to create divisions based on caste, language, and province lines have become more significant than national interest, with some parties promoting a destructive agenda in the name of "alternative politics".

Bhagwat also condemned acts of violence without reason, unprovoked stone pelting, and attempts to create fear and division within society. He urged people to remain alert and identify these evil tendencies and those who support them.

The RSS chief stressed the importance of harmony and mutual goodwill among different sections of society and emphasized that tolerance and harmony are deeply ingrained in Indian traditions. He called for everyone to participate in each other's festivals, which should become festivals for the entire society.

Bhagwat also spoke about the recent shameful Kolkata rape-murder case and the attempts made to protect the criminals. He stated that the nexus of crime, politics, and poisonous culture is ruining society. He also highlighted the importance of environmental conservation and advocated for a developmental path based on Indian tradition.

In its centenary year, the RSS will focus on promoting harmony and goodwill in society, as it has been doing since its founding on September 27, 1925, according to Bhagwat.

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