Belle is shocked and resists when the villainous Tom murders a loved one on Emmerdale.

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August 19th 2024.

Belle is shocked and resists when the villainous Tom murders a loved one on Emmerdale.
In Monday's episode of Emmerdale, viewers were left heartbroken as they watched Belle Dingle bid farewell to her beloved dog, Piper. Belle and Piper had been inseparable ever since Tom King brought the furry friend home. Initially, Tom claimed it was to keep Belle company after their home was burglarized, but in reality, he had ulterior motives. He wanted to use Piper as a way to control Belle and keep her from returning to work.

Although Belle and Piper shared a close bond, Tom often used the dog as a weapon in his campaign of abuse and manipulation against Belle. He even went as far as kidnapping Piper when he felt Belle was getting too close to another man. Tom would then swoop in as the hero and return Piper to Belle, making her believe he had found her.

As if that wasn't enough, Tom also used Piper to sabotage Belle's mental health by drugging the poor pup and making it look like she was sick. This caused Belle to cut her stay short at a mental health assessment unit and return home, just as Tom wanted. During a trip to Wales, Tom continued his cruel behavior by keeping Piper tied up outside and refusing to let Belle see her.

But the most horrific act of all came when Tom deliberately ran over Piper with his car. This devastating scene is a reflection of how abusers will use anything, even innocent animals, to exert control over their victims. The Emmerdale team worked closely with charities Refuge and The Dogs Trust to accurately depict this issue. Producer Laura Shaw stated, "Hearing firsthand stories from domestic abuse survivors, it's clear that abusers will use family pets as weapons."

The scenes were difficult for viewers to watch, and the show even released behind-the-scenes footage of Minnie, the dog who plays Piper, to show how she is treated with love and affection on set. In the episode, Tom and Rhona worked tirelessly to save Piper, not knowing that Tom was the reason she was injured. When they realized there was nothing they could do, Tom had to break the heartbreaking news to Belle.

Naturally, Belle was devastated and said her final goodbyes to her furry friend before leaving Tom to put Piper to sleep. In the aftermath, Tom tried to use the situation to his advantage and comfort Belle, but she had a sudden realization that he was the one who killed Piper. Despite Lydia trying to take the blame and Rhona believing Tom's lies about Belle's mental health, Belle stood firm. She could see right through him and called him out as a "sick, manipulative bully."

However, breaking free from Tom's grasp won't be easy for Belle. He has convinced her family and friends that he is the victim, and he has even installed cameras in her home to keep an eye on her. But with Belle finally seeing the truth about his cruel ways, the power balance may have finally shifted. Tom's threats and attempts to manipulate her no longer hold any power over Belle. She is done with him and their toxic relationship.

But we can't help but fear for what might happen next. Tom has shown he will stop at nothing to control Belle, and with her newfound strength, he may become even more dangerous. But we can only hope that Belle's eyes have been opened, and she will find the courage to stand up to him and break free from his abuse.

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