"Belle escapes from Tom in Emmerdale, but he's still on her tail. Watch the spoiler video now!"

The woman attempts to flee, but there are multiple dangers involved.

June 15th 2024.

Belle Dingle is going through a tough time, and she knows it. The news of her pregnancy with Tom King's baby, her worst fear, has left her reeling and trying to make sense of it all. Her time in the crisis unit helped her see some troubling aspects of Tom's behavior, as the therapist asked her some tough questions. She was discharged from the unit earlier than expected, thanks to Tom's manipulative tactics. He had drugged Piper to make Belle believe she was dying, just to get her home sooner and prevent her from revealing anything to the therapist. It was all a ploy to keep her under his control, and Belle was only one day away from opening up to her therapist.

Deep down, Belle knows that something is not right in their relationship. And now, with the realization that she is carrying Tom's child, she knows with every fiber of her being that she does not want this baby. The only person she has confided in is Nurse Wendy. Belle had to protect herself from Tom's violent threats and ended up blurting out the truth about her pregnancy. Tom then used this information to assert his dominance over her by making sure that everyone in the village knew about her condition.

Belle feels trapped and sees no way out of this situation. But things did not go as planned for Tom, as Belle is determined not to have this baby and is determined to find a way out without him knowing. She confides in a midwife and confesses that she wants to have an abortion. It breaks her heart that she cannot turn to her husband for support in such a difficult decision. In secret, she arranges for a taxi to take her to an abortion clinic. However, her plans are interrupted when Tom enters the room and she has to quickly cancel the taxi call.

But Belle is quick on her feet and uses Tom's compliments about her makeup to her advantage. She asks him to take a photo of her, and in the process, she manages to see his phone's passcode. When Tom leaves the room, Belle seizes the opportunity to unlock his phone and access their money. She needs the funds to pay for the taxi to the clinic. As she scrolls through his phone, she is shocked to discover that he has been tracking her every move.

Belle's horrifying discovery marks the beginning of Tom's downfall, but it also means that Belle is in for a terrifying journey ahead. She finally realizes the extent of Tom's control over her when she asks to use the car, and he refuses. But Belle is determined not to let him derail her plans. She finds the spare key and prepares to make a secret getaway. It is a scary prospect, but she knows she has to get to the abortion clinic.

In a new video, we see Belle's plan in action. Amelia approaches her and talks about how much little Esther likes Piper. This sparks an idea in Belle's mind, and she asks Amelia to walk the dog while she is gone for a couple of hours for an appointment. Belle then drops some poo bags into the pram and sneaks her phone in there too. This way, Tom will use the tracking app and think that Belle is out for a walk, giving her time to escape. She then opens Tom's car door and prepares to drive off.

Belle finally makes it to the clinic, but she is crushed by the weight of the situation. She cannot believe that her marriage has come to this point, and she is struggling to come to terms with it all. Will she go through with the abortion and free herself from Tom's control? It remains to be seen.

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