Belle Dingle, who is pregnant, is in danger after being trapped by Tom King on Emmerdale.

Tom traps her indoors.

June 9th 2024.

Belle Dingle, who is pregnant, is in danger after being trapped by Tom King on Emmerdale.
Tom had reached a new low in his abusive behavior towards Belle Dingle in Emmerdale. Trapped and left to die by her husband, Belle faces the most terrifying danger yet. Tom's relentless cruelty and determination to keep his actions a secret have taken a toll on Belle, leaving her broken and questioning her own thoughts. As a master manipulator, Tom has taken advantage of Belle's vulnerability to maintain control over her.

To make matters worse, Belle discovers she is pregnant. However, instead of feeling joy at the news, she is screaming internally. Even when Wendy, her doctor, checks on her and asks about her home life with Tom, Belle covers up the truth and insists that everything is fine. Despite hopes that Wendy may uncover the abuse, actress Eden Taylor Draper confirms that Belle's suffering is far from over.

As Tom continues to isolate Belle from her family, they are unable to see the signs of his abuse. Belle tries to keep her pregnancy a secret from Tom, fearing his violent reaction. But when Cain confronts Tom for selling Belle's car without her knowledge, Tom's anger escalates and he returns home ready to take it out on Belle. In a desperate attempt to stop him from hitting her, Belle blurts out that she is pregnant. Tom's demeanor changes instantly and he embraces her with joy, but Belle's tears are not of happiness.

Tom promises to keep her secret, but Belle knows from past experiences that he may not keep his word. During a walk with their dog Piper, Tom seems like a changed man, but Belle wonders if it's all just another ploy to manipulate her. And she's right, as Tom soon reveals her pregnancy to Rhona and Jimmy without her consent.

Belle is furious at having her privacy violated, but keeps her anger to herself as she struggles with the decision of whether or not to keep the baby. But before she can make a decision, a new threat arises. On the day of Ethan's funeral, Tom locks Belle in the house and she falls asleep with Piper. But in her exhaustion, she forgets about the food cooking on the stove. As a tea towel catches fire, Belle is trapped in a locked house with no means of escape. Has Tom condemned her to death?

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