Being labeled a undateable 'red flag' due to allergies is a common occurrence.

I tried not to mention my coeliac disease while using dating apps such as Tinder and Hinge.

May 29th 2024.

Being labeled a undateable 'red flag' due to allergies is a common occurrence.
When it comes to dating, Alice has always considered herself a catch. She shows up on time, asks thoughtful questions, and never ghosts anyone. Plus, she doesn't expect her date to pay for everything. With a successful career, great friends, and independence from her parents, Alice knows she has a lot to offer. So why do a fifth of the UK population view her as a red flag? It's because she's gluten-free.

To many, being gluten-free may seem like a trendy lifestyle choice, but for Alice, it's a necessary health requirement. As someone with coeliac disease, eating gluten can cause her body's immune system to attack her healthy tissues, making it difficult for her to absorb nutrients. Not following a gluten-free diet could even put her at a higher risk for cancer. But despite these serious consequences, dating has become daunting for Alice.

In fact, a third of Brits would avoid inviting someone over for dinner if they were gluten-free, according to research. And even when they do accommodate, it's often with reluctance or lack of knowledge. Alice has lost count of the times she's been asked, "What can you even eat?" It's a constant struggle to find a restaurant that caters to her dietary needs, and she often has to take on the responsibility of booking a reservation herself.

But the disrespect Alice faces for being gluten-free goes beyond just limited dining options. She recalls a particularly disturbing incident where a date poured beer over her face and into her mouth, mocking her for not being able to drink it. And unfortunately, this kind of disrespect is not uncommon in her dating experiences.

Despite these challenges, Alice has also had positive experiences with considerate dates who make an effort to find gluten-free options. Her current partner, in particular, went out of his way to get recommendations from his coeliac co-worker and took her to a restaurant with a mostly gluten-free menu. But even in a supportive relationship, there are still challenges, like meeting the parents and navigating food restrictions during family gatherings.

It's frustrating for Alice to constantly have to make accommodations for others when it should be the other way around. She's not asking for anything complicated, just a little effort and understanding. And if someone can't do that, maybe they're the real red flag. As Alice says, "I'm not hard to date or cook for – it just takes a little effort."

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