Being a comedian is tough when you have to poop 15 times daily.

Liam Withnail is coping with a long-term health condition.

April 27th 2024.

Being a comedian is tough when you have to poop 15 times daily.
Liam Withnail is a well-known comedian who is currently on a tour, showcasing his latest show which revolves around his personal journey of living with colitis. It all started when Liam, like many others, dismissed his frequent trips to the bathroom as a mere case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). He went about his life for years without seeking medical advice or getting himself checked. However, things took a dramatic turn when he fainted during the London Marathon, landing on a restaurant floor and having an embarrassing accident. Despite this, Liam still didn't think much of it and attributed it to the physical toll of the marathon. It wasn't until weeks later when he started experiencing excruciating cramps that his wife finally convinced him to seek professional help, worried that he might never do it on his own.

In a recent interview conducted over Zoom, Liam opened up about his struggle with ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that he was diagnosed with. He expressed his gratitude towards his wife for urging him to seek help, which ultimately led to his diagnosis. Liam believes that there is still a stigma surrounding this disease because people are hesitant to talk about bowel movements and related issues. His show, Chronic Boom, aims to break this taboo and bring awareness to this often overlooked condition. In fact, Liam himself admits that in previous interviews, he would avoid saying the word "poo" out of embarrassment, despite it being the main topic of his show.

Liam's symptoms gradually worsened over the years, but he never thought much of it until he ended up in the hospital, hooked up to a drip. At one point, his condition became so severe that he feared he might have to undergo surgery and get a colostomy, resulting in a stoma bag. Looking back, Liam realizes that if someone had asked him about the frequency of his bathroom visits, he might have sought help earlier. However, he was in denial and brushed it off as a mindless daily activity, especially since he spends most of his time working alone from home. He also admits that he was afraid of being told to give up his love for cheese and curry, and as a man, he found it harder to talk about his health concerns and seek medical help.

Colitis is a disease that constantly worries Liam, especially since it puts him at a higher risk for bowel cancer. Although stoma bags are a great option for those with the condition, the thought of possibly needing one in the future terrifies him. Despite this, he continues to use his platform as a stand-up comedian to raise awareness and make this topic more approachable through his show. Chronic Boom is a mix of comedy and emotion as Liam shares his personal experiences of being hospitalized during a flare-up. He even structured the show in a way that he could still perform locally if he couldn't travel due to his condition.

As a touring comedian, Liam's lifestyle can be quite stressful, and stress is a major trigger for colitis flare-ups. He acknowledges that it's essential to limit stress as much as possible, which is why he only performs on Thursdays through Sundays and takes breaks in between tours. Despite these precautions, Liam still lives with the constant fear of a flare-up affecting his work and daily life. He also struggles with finding healthy food options while on tour, as late-night gigs often leave him with limited options, and the food served at comedy venues is not suitable for his condition.

Despite the challenges, Liam remains determined to use humor to shed light on important issues, including his personal struggles with colitis. He believes that comedy is a great way to make these topics more relatable and accessible. While his current show delves into his emotional journey with the disease, Liam jokes that his next one will be more lighthearted. He also encourages others to share their stories and break the silence surrounding colitis. Liam's tour for Chronic Boom is set to continue in 2024, and he hopes to reach more people and spread awareness about this chronic condition.

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