BBC viewers shocked by scene of horse being sexually abused in controversial drama.

People find the scene disgusting.

July 17th 2024.

BBC viewers shocked by scene of horse being sexually abused in controversial drama.
The recent premiere of The Jetty, the latest crime drama from BBC, has left fans in shock with its controversial scenes. Starring Jenna Coleman, the show centers around Detective Ember Manning and her journey of self-discovery after a devastating arson attack. While some viewers have been captivated by the slow-paced plot that switches between the present and the past, others have found it less gripping compared to BBC's hit series, Happy Valley.

One particular scene in the first episode has caused quite a stir among fans. In it, a character named Amy takes her friend Caitlin to her home and reveals that her family is facing bankruptcy. She then casually mentions their plan to shoot their horse named Kingpin for the insurance money. But what shocked viewers the most was when Amy proceeded to pleasure the horse in a sadistic manner before leaving the barn. This disturbing scene has led many viewers to express their disgust on social media.

Despite the controversy, the show makers have clarified that no animals were harmed during the making of the show. However, the scene has definitely left a lasting impression on viewers. "That scene with the horse was just gross," said one viewer. Another commented, "Was there any need for that horse scene? Turned my stomach."

The BBC has described The Jetty as a coming-of-age story as much as it is a detective thriller. The series delves into themes of sexual morality, identity, and memory, tackling issues that have been raised by the Me Too movement. The first two episodes were released earlier this week, with the final two to be released consecutively over the weekend.

If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, you can contact the entertainment team at The Agency via email, call, or by visiting their Submit Stuff page. The Jetty is currently available to watch on BBC iPlayer.

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