BBC's Clive Myrie angry at heckler spreading pro-Israel messages.

A few students have labeled him a 'Zionist'.

October 12th 2024.

BBC's Clive Myrie angry at heckler spreading pro-Israel messages.
Coming up next, there was a moment that caught many by surprise when BBC newsreader Clive Myrie lost his composure and reacted strongly to a pro-Palestine protestor. Recently, footage of a Q&A session at the University of the Arts London on September 25 has surfaced, showing Myrie calling a heckler a "f****** idiot".

The incident occurred during a public debate about accusations that Myrie spreads "Israeli propaganda", which arose after he was appointed as Chancellor of the university and faced opposition from students who labeled him as a "Zionist". In the heat of the moment, Myrie expressed his frustration with the heckler's behavior, stating, "I have a f****** idiot shout at me in public and then leave. He does not want to hear the other side."

Although Myrie later apologized for his language, he stood by his defense of open and respectful dialogue. Throughout the event, Myrie emphasized the importance of free speech and even addressed the incident, saying, "He has made his point and he has left...But he does not stay to hear what I have got to say. That is pathetic."

As the discussion continued, Myrie assured students that he is open to hearing their concerns in his new role as Chancellor, but he also made it clear that he will not tolerate being disrespected or walked out on. A spokesperson for the University of the Arts London later confirmed that Myrie's apology was sent to all attendees after the event ended.

In a statement, the university reiterated their commitment to promoting freedom of expression and encouraging constructive conversations about all topics within their community. They also mentioned that Myrie stands by his belief that dialogue should be rooted in mutual respect.

Metro has reached out to Myrie and the BBC for further comment on the incident.

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