AV Howard is a robot that helps a cancer patient continue their education.

Greeting with a personal touch.

July 11th 2024.

AV Howard is a robot that helps a cancer patient continue their education.
Meet Howard and his robot twin, AV Howard. Howard, a 12-year-old boy, has had a tough year. He has missed more than half of his school days due to intensive chemotherapy. In December, he was diagnosed with a rare form of arm cancer and began treatment the following month. It's been a challenging journey, but Howard has found a way to stay connected with his school and friends, thanks to AV Howard.

If you're feeling down because of all the bad news and gloomy weather, AV Howard is here to brighten up your day. This robot has become a regular sight in a south-west London school, where it is carried from classroom to classroom, with Howard's friends taking turns to be its caretaker. The robot, with its small white plastic head and shoulders, fits right in with the school's uniform, sporting a red, white, and blue tie.

The idea behind AV Howard is simple yet ingenious. If Howard is unable to attend school due to his treatment, the robot can take his place in the classroom, allowing him to participate in lessons and stay connected with his friends virtually. With the help of the robot's camera and speaker, Howard can read books, complete worksheets, and even join in on class discussions. The robot has been a game-changer for Howard, who says that although living with his tumor is painful, AV Howard has made a significant impact on his school life.

But AV Howard isn't just beneficial for Howard; it also allows his classmates and teachers to interact with him as if he were physically present. The teachers and students have received special training to ensure that both the real Howard and AV Howard are included in class activities. This has made a huge difference in Howard's wellbeing, as he no longer feels left behind or isolated from his peers. And his friends love having AV Howard around, with one student saying that helping Howard is an honor.

Headteacher Martin O'Sullivan recognizes the importance of AV Howard in keeping Howard connected to his education and friends. He believes that it is crucial for students facing medical challenges to have the opportunity to attend school regularly, not just for their academic progress but also for their mental health and overall well-being. And he's not alone in this belief; in Germany, another robot is helping a seven-year-old boy named Joshua continue his lessons while he's at home.

AV Howard's journey began with the help of the charity Momentum, which supports children facing serious illnesses and their families. The charity connected with Chartwell Children's Cancer Trust, who provided Howard's robot twin, and hopes to use this technology to help even more children in the future. Emma Searle, a family support manager at Momentum, says that they make it a priority to understand each family's needs and provide the necessary support. For Howard, accessing education was crucial, and the robot has made it possible.

The robot, developed by the Norwegian firm No Isolation, is part of their efforts to bring life-changing technology to young patients, families, and schools. AV Howard is a prime example of how technology can bridge the gap between illness and education, allowing children to continue their studies and stay connected with their friends. It's a small robot with a big impact, and Howard's story is just one of many that highlight the potential of this technology in improving the lives of children facing medical challenges.

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