Authorities search for UK citizen who assaulted visitor during physical altercation in public setting.

Police in Spain are searching for a British tourist who assaulted another visitor, leaving them unconscious.

July 4th 2024.

Authorities search for UK citizen who assaulted visitor during physical altercation in public setting.
In the popular vacation spot of Magaluf, a street fight erupted between two groups of British tourists, leaving one 20-year-old unconscious and in need of medical attention. The Spanish police are currently on the lookout for the aggressor, who fled the scene before authorities arrived.

The incident occurred at around 5:30am near Mulligan's Bar on Punta Ballena, the lively party strip of Magaluf. This is the same area where an Irish father-of-four, Michael Grant, tragically passed away just a few days prior. Detectives are now investigating whether Mr. Grant was involved in a street fight before his sudden death.

Initial reports suggested that Mr. Grant may have been hit by a car, but further examination revealed no evidence of a traffic incident. Instead, authorities are now looking into the possibility that he had a confrontation with a street seller before collapsing on Martin Ros Street. It is believed that Mr. Grant had become separated from his group after spending the day drinking and partying.

An autopsy showed that the Irishman had consumed both alcohol and cocaine before his death, leading investigators to suspect that his passing may have been linked to his substance use. However, they are waiting for further tests to confirm their suspicions before launching a murder or homicide investigation.

As for the 20-year-old victim of the recent street fight, he was taken to the hospital with head wounds and possible internal bleeding. He had to be given a sedative after waking up and reacting aggressively to the paramedics who were trying to help him. His current condition is still unknown.

The Spanish police and Civil Guard are working tirelessly to identify and locate the aggressor responsible for this violent incident. As for the rest of the tourists in Magaluf, it serves as a reminder to always stay safe and responsible while enjoying their holiday.

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