Authorities detain man after female found dead inside residence in Sydney's inner west.

Police suspect the man was acquainted with the woman.

June 27th 2024.

Authorities detain man after female found dead inside residence in Sydney's inner west.
Police were called to a residence on Clements Street in Russell Lea, Sydney's Inner West, after reports of a disturbance. Upon arrival, officers discovered the body of a woman in her 50s. The incident was believed to be a result of domestic violence.

As a precaution, a crime scene was set up and detectives began investigating the situation. The suspect, a 42-year-old man who was known to the victim, was swiftly taken into custody at the scene. He is currently cooperating with authorities at Burwood Police Station.

In the wake of this tragic event, it is important to remember that support is readily available for those who have experienced sexual assault or domestic violence. The National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service can be reached at 1800RESPECT for assistance and resources.

It is always disheartening to hear about incidents like this, but it serves as a reminder that we must continue to address and combat the issue of domestic violence in our communities. Let us stand together and support those affected, and work towards preventing such tragedies from happening in the future.

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