Authorities are searching for the mother of a baby whose body was discovered on a heath in Dorset and are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

Dorset Police is requesting assistance from anyone who may have seen something in the vicinity of Culliford Crescent to help them locate and support the mother.

March 3rd 2023.

Authorities are searching for the mother of a baby whose body was discovered on a heath in Dorset and are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

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The police and medical services have both asked for assistance in locating the mother of the foetus that was found on a heath in Dorset. Officers were alerted to the discovery near Culliford Crescent at 3.50pm on Thursday. Chief Inspector Gavin House of Dorset Police said: ‘This is a very sad situation and our main priority is to find the mother and make sure she receives the proper care. We are therefore requesting any witnesses from the Canford Heath area or anyone with related information to come forward to help us locate and aid the mother.’ Dr Paul Johnson, chief medical officer with NHS Dorset, added: ‘I am urging her to contact either medical services or the police as soon as possible so that we can make sure she is safe. Additionally, anyone with worries about a family member, friend or loved one should get in touch.’ In the event of a medical emergency, people are asked to dial 999 and ask for an ambulance. If you have any information, please email our news team.

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