Attitude reflects leadership

One of the seminal scenes in the movie “Remember the Titans” is when the two protagonists have a heated exchange after training.

Julius: You been doin’ your job?

Gerry: I’ve been doin’ my job.

Julius: Then why don’t you tell your white buddies to block for Rev better? ‘Cause they have not blocked for him worth a blood nickel, and you know it! Nobody plays! Yourself included! I’m supposed to wear myself out for the team? What team?! No, No. What I’m gonna do is, I’m gonna look out for myself, and I’m gonna get mine.

Gerry: See, man? That’s the worst attitude I ever heard.

Julius: Attitude reflects leadership, Captain.

The two end up becoming best friends after this exchange. Gerry becomes the leader the team rallies around and Julius becomes the defensive star.

It is one of those moments that has stayed with me nearly two decades since I first saw the movie.

It reminds me of a simple idea that is so true.

Disgruntled leaders create disgruntled teams. Political leaders create political teams. Constructive leaders create constructive teams. And so on.

The team’s attitude is generally a reflection of its leadership.
