As many as 1,200 individuals could still be charged in relation to the events of January 6th at the Capitol Building.

The letter stated that the number of new cases will gradually rise in the coming months in an organized manner.

March 18th 2023.

As many as 1,200 individuals could still be charged in relation to the events of January 6th at the Capitol Building.
Up to 1,200 people could still be facing charges for the Jan. 6 storming of

the Capitol in Washington D.C., as per a letter sent to the D.C. court from the U.S. attorney in Washington. Attorney General Merrick Garland referred to the case as “one of the largest, most complex, and most resource-intensive investigations in our history.” According to the letter, dated Oct. 28, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves estimated that an additional 700 to 1,200 defendants could be charged. Graves noted that the estimates could fluctuate as they continue to monitor charging statistics and “evaluate changing resources and circumstances.” Chief Judge Beryl Howell commented that the court has been able to manage the increased criminal caseload well, but should any additional filings occur, the Court would assess what additional steps, if any, it should take. Currently, more than 500 people have pleaded guilty and more than 50 have been convicted at trial, based on the U.S. attorney’s office.

On Jan. 6, 2021, a mob of Donald Trump‘s supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building, spurred on by Trump's claims that the election was stolen by Democrats. Despite this, Trump failed to dispatch the National Guard to intervene in the Jan. 6 riot. Kevin Seefried, who was seen holding a Confederate flag during the riots, was sentenced to a three-year prison sentence.

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