Are you taking charge during your virtual meetings?

Linda Clemons, an expert in body language, reveals important tips for excelling in video presentations and virtual work meetings.

May 20th 2024.

Are you taking charge during your virtual meetings?
The world has drastically changed in the past year, especially when it comes to work culture. With the rise of the pandemic, the traditional office setting has been replaced by virtual platforms like Zoom and Teams. This new reality has left many wondering how to excel in an online work environment. According to body language and presentation expert Linda Clemons, one of the key elements to succeeding in remote work is mastering the art of video communication. But fear not, Clemons has some fail-safe tips to help you shine in your virtual meetings.

First and foremost, preparation is key. As the saying goes, "It wasn't raining when Noah built his ark." This means that you should not wait until you are on screen with others to realize that your lighting is poor or your background is distracting. Take advantage of the fact that you have control over your virtual image in your own home. Adjust your lighting, angles, and surroundings to present yourself in the best possible way. And don't forget about the little details, like making sure your background is clean and clutter-free.

Next, it's important to present yourself professionally in your virtual meetings. This may seem like common sense, but it's worth mentioning. Groom yourself as you would if you were going into the office and avoid showing up in your pajamas or workout clothes. Not only does this make it seem like you are not taking your work seriously, but it can also affect your own mindset and confidence. And in these high-stress times, a smile can go a long way. As Clemons says, "A smile is contagious," so don't be afraid to show your pearly whites and help put everyone at ease.

It's also important to acknowledge the current circumstances and show empathy towards your colleagues. Everyone is feeling the stress and uncertainty of the world right now, so take a moment to address it and let your team know that you are all in this together. But remember to stay on track and not let the news or distractions take over the meeting. Time is valuable, and video meetings can be even more efficient than in-person ones with fewer distractions.

Another tip from Clemons is to keep your energy levels up. This may be challenging when you're stuck at home, but it's important to come across as natural and engaged during virtual meetings. Try to shoot yourself from the belly button up, as this will show your heart in the shot and make a stronger connection with your audience. And don't forget to be 100% present in the moment. There may be distractions or technical difficulties, but stay focused and flexible, just as you would in an in-person meeting.

In the end, it all comes down to being prepared, professional, and present in your virtual meetings. With these tips from Clemons, you can show up and exceed in your online work performance. So don't let the virtual setting hold you back, embrace it and make the most out of your video meetings. And remember, we're all in this together.

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