Ant McPartlin clarifies confusion surrounding his family tree tattoo, easing concerns of worried followers.

Ant is making sure the truth is known.

May 18th 2024.

Ant McPartlin clarifies confusion surrounding his family tree tattoo, easing concerns of worried followers.
Ant McPartlin has addressed the confusion surrounding his family tree tattoo, making it clear who exactly is featured on it. The 48-year-old TV personality, who is known as one half of the popular duo Ant and Dec, recently welcomed his first child with wife Anne-Marie Corbett. The couple shared the happy news on Instagram, with a sweet photo of Ant cuddling their newborn son, Wilder.

In the photo, fans noticed a new tattoo on Ant's arm, which appeared to be a family tree. The initial image showed the names of his wife, two stepdaughters, and two dogs. However, some eagle-eyed fans pointed out that Ant's beloved labrador, Hurley, was missing from the tattoo. This sparked outrage among Hurley's fandom, but Ant was quick to clear the air.

In a new photo of the tattoo shared on social media, Ant thanked fans for their kind messages and reassured them that Hurley was indeed included in the family tree. He explained that the dog's name was nestled at the bottom left of the tree, but was covered by the newborn in the initial photo.

After this clarification, worried fans could breathe a sigh of relief. But some fans also expressed sadness for Ant's ex-wife, Lisa Armstrong, who was not included in the tattoo. Ant was married to Lisa for 11 years before their split in 2018, and they were together for a total of 23 years. However, Ant is now happily married to Anne-Marie and looking forward to the future with his growing family.

Speaking of his break from their show, Saturday Night Takeaway, Ant shared that he and Dec needed some time to spend with their families. He also expressed his excitement at being a father, with a source close to him telling The Sun that he has always wanted children and is beyond delighted with the new addition to their family.

Apart from the family tree tattoo, Ant also has several other meaningful tattoos, including a John Lennon tribute, an AA inspired tattoo, a rose and arrow tattoo, and a simple A in a loveheart for his wife. It's clear that his tattoos hold a lot of significance and are a way for him to express his love and emotions.

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