Another member of the cult has been revealed as Rowan manages to manipulate another victim in Coronation Street.

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July 17th 2024.

Another member of the cult has been revealed as Rowan manages to manipulate another victim in Coronation Street.
Leanne managed to persuade her friend Amy to join a creepy cult led by a man named Rowan Cunliffe, who had managed to gain another victim - none other than Amy Barlow from Coronation Street. Amy had first encountered Rowan and his mysterious Altovalent Institute when Leanne, who was deeply involved in the cult's beliefs, allowed him to host a meeting at the Viaduct Bistro. Intrigued by Rowan's charm and impressed by Leanne's success in the cult, Amy's interest was piqued.

The next day, feeling overwhelmed by her multiple jobs and university coursework, Leanne suggested that the Institute's techniques could help Amy. However, there was one problem - the financial commitment that Amy would have to make to attend the cult's events. Amy had first met Rowan when the cult held a meeting at the bistro, and now Leanne wanted him to speak with her again.

Earlier in the week, it seemed like Amy had made up her mind about not joining the cult after witnessing Rowan's AI version of her late brother Oliver. She was horrified and stormed out. However, in tonight's episode, Rowan arrived at the restaurant and asked Leanne if she had managed to find a new member. When she told him about Amy's fear, he suggested that she continue trying to sway her and also proposed that she invest in his new research center. This came as a surprise since Leanne's fiancé Nick had recently found out that she had been spending hundreds of pounds to attend Rowan's lectures.

Later, at Preston's Petals, Leanne approached Amy and suggested that the Institute could help her manage her workload. She also offered to help Amy manage the books at the flower shop. When she got home, Leanne told Nick that she had contacted the bank to remortgage their apartment to fund her new business venture with Rowan. Nick was furious and suggested that they should be focused on her sister Toyah's cancer diagnosis instead of throwing their money away. Finally, Leanne seemed to see the light and agreed.

Toyah, who had always been suspicious of Rowan, remained cautious. Meanwhile, the latest gossip from Emmerdale and EastEnders had soap fans buzzing. You could join the 10,000 soap fans on Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community to get access to spoiler galleries, must-watch videos, and exclusive interviews. All you had to do was click on the link and select "Join Chat." Don't forget to turn on notifications, so you never miss out on the latest spoilers.

Leanne then went to the pub to tell Rowan the bad news, but she noticed that he was celebrating his latest victory - getting Amy to sign up for the cult. Clearly annoyed that Leanne would no longer be contributing to his supposed research center, Rowan suggested that she may have outgrown Nick and said he would speak with him. The question on everyone's mind was whether he would blackmail Nick and Toyah and threaten to expose their affair again. Leanne was insistent that Nick would not change his mind, but doubts still lingered.

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