Angry residents upset about new buses that are too tall for bridges.

Why didn't they measure it before building the buses?

September 5th 2024.

Angry residents upset about new buses that are too tall for bridges.
The recent launch of shiny new electric buses in York has unfortunately been met with disappointment. It turns out that these state-of-the-art vehicles are too tall to fit under a bridge in the Leeman Road area of North Yorkshire. Needless to say, local residents were not happy when they found out about this mishap.

Many have expressed their frustration and labeled the situation as "stupid." They couldn't understand why the height of the buses wasn't taken into consideration when they were ordered. As a result, the number 10 bus service has been suspended, as the new buses simply cannot pass under the 12 ft railway bridge.

This unexpected hurdle has caused the local bus route to be diverted, all because of the introduction of the new electric buses by First Bus. Kallum Taylor, a ward councillor for Holgate, described the whole thing as "farcical." He pointed out that it's not a matter of financial pressure, but rather a failure to consider the size of the buses and how they would affect the community.

The closure of Leeman Road has already resulted in the loss of other bus services, and now with the addition of these electric buses, the situation has only worsened. Taylor worries that this could be a sign of things to come, with the potential for the entire area to be bypassed when a new bridge opens. While cleaner buses are certainly a positive, it seems that in the excitement of their arrival, the needs of the community were overlooked. This is simply not acceptable and something needs to be done about it.

Locals were not shy in sharing their thoughts on the matter, with many taking to social media to voice their frustrations. One resident pointed out that the height issue should have been taken into consideration before the buses were ordered. Another simply stated, "How stupid" in reference to the whole situation.

The bus operator has acknowledged the problem and is currently working with city officials to find a solution. They have introduced some changes to the bus routes to mitigate the impact, but it's clear that more needs to be done. First York has assured the public that they are in talks with the City of York Council and will provide an update in the near future.

In the meantime, residents are left to deal with the inconvenience of having their bus route diverted and limited connectivity to certain areas. It's a frustrating situation, but hopefully, a resolution will be found soon. After all, the main goal of these new buses was to provide a cleaner and more efficient mode of transportation, not to cause more problems for the community.

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