Ancient plane from World War Two discovered after 8 decades in forest.

A skull was discovered with a wreck on New Ireland island, but its owner has not been identified according to locals.

March 3rd 2024.

Ancient plane from World War Two discovered after 8 decades in forest.
A remarkable discovery has been made in the South Pacific - a World War Two plane that had been missing for over 80 years has been found. The US SBD Dauntless was located last month in the dense Papau New Guinean jungle by locals who were intrigued by the tales of a crash that had been passed down through generations. The news has caught the attention of authorities in the US, who have confirmed that they are aware of the wreck and are working to send a team of investigators to the site.

According to online records, the Dauntless, piloted by Lt. Billy Ray Ramsey and gunner Sgt. Charlie J. Sciara, went down on January 14, 1944. Sadly, both men were declared dead within a year, but their bodies were never found. The locals who discovered the wreckage claim to have also found a skull, but its identity has not yet been confirmed. Parts of the plane were scattered across the jungle floor, and pictures from the site show the engine, propeller, and shrapnel from the crash.

The discovery has shed some light on the fate of the two missing pilots, who had been marked as "missing in action" since the day of the crash. Kilala Kindau, who led the team that made the find, shared, "The plane was crashed and broke into three pieces, leaving the pilot trapped inside and unable to escape." He went on to explain that the search for the plane was a personal mission for the team, as they had heard stories from their grandparents about a plane crash in the mountainous part of the jungle.

After months of searching, the team finally found the serial number of the plane and sent it to the US embassy, who confirmed that it was a US aircraft belonging to Lt. Ramsey. It is believed that Sgt. Sciara survived the crash but was taken captive by Japanese forces before passing away a month later. On the other hand, Lt. Ramsey is assumed to have died in the crash.

According to information from the US Navy Loss List Summary Sheet, the Dauntless was on a divebombing mission against Japanese forces in the South Pacific arena when it was shot down by anti-aircraft fire. The serial number found on the wreckage - 35971 - matches up with available online records. The interior of the plane is now completely overgrown, showing just how long it had been hidden in the jungle.

The discovery has sparked interest from the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, which is responsible for recovering American military personnel who are prisoners of war or missing in action. A spokesperson for the agency shared, "DPAA has received multiple reports that wreckage potentially associated with missing personnel was recently discovered on New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. We are working to get a team of investigators to the site as soon as we can. As the agency responsible for recovering the remains of Americans missing from past conflicts, DPAA is committed to pursuing this lead."

This incredible find has not only solved a mystery that had been ongoing for 80 years but has also provided closure for the families of the missing pilots. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by these brave servicemen and women, and the importance of never forgetting their bravery and dedication to their country.

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