An uncommon creature seen roaming around a British garden is the newest observation.

The RSPCA suggests avoiding contact with wallabies in Britain, as they are now considered to be part of the local wildlife.

October 7th 2024.

An uncommon creature seen roaming around a British garden is the newest observation.
Last week, residents in southwest England were pleasantly surprised when they spotted a wallaby hopping around a garden. This was quite unusual, considering that wallabies are typically found in their native habitat of Tasmania, thousands of miles away. The garden was located in Blackdown Hills, near the border of Somerset, making it even more unexpected to see such a creature roaming freely.

Interestingly, this is not the first time that wallabies have been seen in England. In fact, there have been multiple sightings reported in the past decade. One local, Paul Peters, and his daughter even saw a wallaby twice in the city of Exeter. He shared, "I was quite taken aback when I first saw it in the field. You just don't expect to see something like that here."

According to filmmaker Tim Whittard, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of wallaby sightings in the UK. It is believed that a small group of these marsupials have successfully bred and adapted to the environment. However, it still remains a mystery as to how they got there in the first place.

There have been speculations that these wallabies may have escaped from private owners or were intentionally released into the wild for unknown reasons. This could explain the growing population of wallabies in the UK. Sadly, not all of them have had a smooth journey. Earlier this year, a wallaby spotted in Cornwall met an unfortunate end after being hit by a car.

Danny Johnson, who witnessed the incident, shared his experience with the BBC. He said, "We were driving on the A30 when we noticed something strange on the road. As we got closer, we realized it was a wallaby. We were all confused and didn't know what to do. Then, the police arrived and we started filming. That's when we saw a kangaroo or a wallaby jumping towards us!"

It seems like these curious and friendly creatures have found a new home in England, much to the surprise and delight of the locals. While their presence may still be a mystery, one thing is for sure - these wallabies have definitely captured the hearts of those who have had the chance to encounter them.

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