An infant left unsupervised at a daycare resulted in an inquiry and employees being suspended.

Daycare prioritizes children's safety and wellbeing, taking the issue seriously.

August 20th 2024.

An infant left unsupervised at a daycare resulted in an inquiry and employees being suspended.
Recently, a concerning incident occurred at Busy Bees daycare centre in Perth, where a 16-month-old baby was left alone in the nursery. It was reported that the staff closed up and left for the day, unknowingly leaving the child behind. The mother arrived at closing time to find the lights off and the doors locked, causing immediate worry and prompting her to make urgent phone calls.

Thankfully, a short while later, the staff returned and discovered the baby asleep in their cot, unharmed. However, this incident has sparked an investigation and has resulted in two staff members being stood down until further notice. Busy Bees, the daycare centre in question, has launched an internal review and is cooperating fully with the investigation.

In a statement to, Busy Bees expressed their concern and reassured that the safety and well-being of the children in their care is their top priority. They have also been providing direct support to the family involved and are fully committed to understanding how this unfortunate incident occurred. As part of their efforts, they will be conducting a thorough review of their policies and procedures.

Additionally, Busy Bees is working closely with the WA Education and Care regulatory unit and will implement any recommended measures to ensure the safety of all children in their care. They understand the seriousness of this matter and are taking all necessary steps to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

In the meantime, while the investigation is ongoing, Busy Bees is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all the children in their care. They deeply value the trust placed in them by the families and are determined to regain their confidence through their continued commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of all children.

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