An eagle is bitten by a snake after being taken from a beach in Queensland.

A photographer in Queensland witnessed a white-bellied sea eagle catching a sea snake at a beach.

September 4th 2024.

An eagle is bitten by a snake after being taken from a beach in Queensland.
A majestic white-bellied sea eagle, fully grown and in its prime, gracefully swooped down from the sky and deftly snatched a slithering sea snake from the crystal clear waters of a scenic Queensland beach. The sudden and unexpected encounter left amateur photographer Glen Vidler in awe as he watched the impressive bird of prey in action.

Vidler had ventured to Point Arkwright on the Sunshine Coast with the intention of capturing breathtaking shots of birds and whales in their natural habitat. Little did he know, he would also be witness to a thrilling display of nature's power and beauty. As he later reflected on the pictures he had taken, he noticed something remarkable - the sea snake had actually managed to sink its sharp fangs into the eagle's talon mid-flight.

Despite the surprise attack, the eagle remained unfazed and simply adjusted its grip on the snake, securing it tightly in its powerful claws. Vidler, with his keen eye for detail, noticed that the eagle's feet were thick and scaly, indicating that the bite from the snake would not cause any harm. The eagle then flew off into the distance, out of sight, with its precious prize still in tow.

Vidler, who has been honing his photography skills for the past 18 months, couldn't believe his luck in capturing such a rare and extraordinary moment on film. He described the image as a once-in-a-lifetime shot, a testament to the unpredictable and wondrous nature of wildlife. For those who may have missed this incredible moment, Vidler shared his pictures on a WhatsApp channel, inviting others to join in on the thrilling experience.

As for the eagle and the sea snake, their encounter may have been brief, but it was certainly one of power and resilience. The eagle, with its impressive hunting skills, would have undoubtedly enjoyed a well-deserved meal either at a nearby tree or back at its nest. And the sea snake, although unsuccessful in its attempt to defend itself, would have been a fitting meal for such a magnificent bird of prey.

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