Amit Shah claims Odisha's progress was stunted for 25 years under BJD's 25-year rule.

Amit Shah claims Odisha has lost 25 years of development under the BJD rule, citing issues in healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

May 21st 2024.

Amit Shah claims Odisha's progress was stunted for 25 years under BJD's 25-year rule.
During a political rally in Nayagarh, Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah made a strong statement about the current state of development in Odisha. He expressed his concern that under the 25-year rule of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD), the state has not seen much progress in sectors such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Shah went on to say that the state has suffered 25 years of stalled development due to this lack of progress.

Addressing the crowd, Shah urged the people of Odisha to consider their current situation and make a change by voting for Prime Minister Modi and bringing him back into power. He emphasized that even though Odisha is a rich state, its citizens are still struggling with poverty. Shah urged the people to take charge of their future and make a change for the better.

Shah went on to criticize the BJD government for the state's declining healthcare, education, and infrastructure systems. He stressed that only Prime Minister Modi and the BJP can bring these sectors back on track and improve the lives of the people in Odisha.

The Home Minister also raised the issue of the missing keys to Puri Jagannath Temple's Ratna Bhandar and demanded an explanation from Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. He questioned why the judicial commission report on the missing keys has not been made public and promised that the BJP government will take action against those responsible for this negligence.

In conclusion, Shah urged the people of Odisha to make an informed decision in the upcoming elections and vote for a government that will prioritize the development of the state and its people. He assured them that under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, Odisha will see a brighter and more prosperous future.

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