Amateur boxer dies from severe brain injury in charity match.

Jubal Reji Kurian experienced brain bleeding on both sides during a charity fight in the previous year.

June 24th 2024.

Amateur boxer dies from severe brain injury in charity match.
Jubal Reji Kurian was a promising 23-year-old student who tragically lost his life during a charity boxing match. The inquest revealed that he suffered a devastating brain injury after being knocked unconscious in the ring on March 25, 2023. Despite appearing to be winning the fight, Jubal fell backwards from a punch and landed with great force, causing bleeding on both sides of his brain. The match was organized by Ultra White Collar Boxing, a Derby-based club known for hosting charity events, at the Harvey Hadden Sports Village in Bilborough, Nottingham.

During the inquest, coroner Laurinda Bower heard from Dr. Sarah Linford, a critical care consultant for Nottingham University Hospitals. Dr. Linford stated that unfortunately, no amount of medical assistance could have saved Jubal from his irreversible condition. His parents had flown in from UAE to be by his side, but his life support was ultimately turned off on March 29, 2023, four days after the boxing match. The cause of death was determined to be bleeding and swelling in his brain, which had killed his brain stem.

Dr. Linford explained that Jubal's brain injury was a result of blunt force trauma and global edema. She also mentioned that he did not make any effort to break his fall, indicating that he was likely unconscious when he hit the ground. This was further supported by the fact that he did not display any signs of breathing or brain activity when examined at Queen's Medical Centre.

The opponent who delivered the final blow, Ian David, also gave a statement at the inquest. He expressed his sincere condolences to Jubal's family and shared his side of the story. Ian admitted that he was not an experienced boxer and did not expect to knock someone out. He was expecting Jubal to get back up after the punch, finish the round, and shake hands like good sportsmen do. However, this did not happen, and Ian did not feel like a winner that night. He also mentioned that Jubal surprised him with his aggressive style of boxing and that he had to dig deep to find the energy to keep up with him.

The inquest also heard from Ultra Events director, Jonathan Leonard, who explained that all amateur boxers participating in the charity event were required to attend free training sessions at Rebels Gym in Radford, Nottingham, for eight weeks leading up to the match. Both Jubal and Ian had attended a significant number of training sessions, and there were no concerns about their abilities or fitness levels. In fact, Jubal was doing exceptionally well in his training, and it was evident in the ring as he was winning the bout until the unfortunate blow.

Unfortunately, Jubal's death was not the first in the Ultra White Collar Boxing community. In fact, Cancer Research UK, who partnered with Ultra Events, ended their association in October 2023 after Jubal became the third boxer to die while participating in fundraising bouts for the charity. The other two were Alastair Peck, who died in 2017, and Dominic Chapman, who passed away in 2022. The inquest is ongoing, and we hope that measures will be taken to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

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